All Home Stakeholder Meeting July 20, 2016
Agenda Welcome General Updates Measuring System Performance in King County Role of System Performance and Data Quality in HUD Continuum of Care funding competition Closing announcements
CEA updates Coordinated Entry for All ◦Regional Access Points ◦Assessments ◦Referrals and Timeline
Populations Updates Families with Children Leading Across Systems: Improving Access to Housing and Behavioral Health for Families Family Advisory Group: Action Planning System Innovation Grants ◦Data and Evaluation ◦DV Housing First FHI Staffing
Population Updates Youth & Young Adults YYA Initiative Staffing Voices of Youth Count ◦Thanks to all who participated in 6/30 counting events! ◦Provider surveys will take place in fall 2016 Youth of Color Needs Assessment ◦Community Stakeholder Meeting, August 4, 10:30am- 12pm, 2100 Building Updates on new services ◦Rapid Rehousing for Young Adults- serving 64 YA through 4 providers– will launch in August ◦YYA Diversion– will launch in September, services through 5 providers ◦YMCA Host Homes– recruiting host families, contact if you have recruitment ideas!
Population Updates Single Adults & Veterans Single Adult Homelessness Strategic Planning USICH Benchmarks for Ending Chronic Homelessness Healthcare for the Homeless Network – Aging in Place Outreach Continuum Workgroup
July 20, 2016 HUD SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE MEASURES Action: Review Systems Performance Measures and Understand 2016 and Future Implications
What are the HUD Systems Performance Measures? HUD is requesting submission of systems performance data as part of the Continuum of Care NOFA process for the first time this year ◦Preparing for many years DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
HUD Systems Performance Measures What are the measures? How do they relate to other measures we examine? What is the CoC NOFA process? How will HUD use this information? What data do the measures use? Understand what we’re doing to prepare Understand current state of process and data Understand what you can do to help DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
HUD Systems Performance Measures GOAL: Attendees understand measures, role in CoC NOFA process, and how the measures relate to existing work DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
What are the HUD Systems Performance Measures? Key measures HUD will use to evaluate performance of our homeless housing system ◦AKA – HEARTH measures; ◦Rare, brief, and one-time (plus) DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
What are the HUD Systems Performance Measures? 7 measures (with subparts) 1.Length of time persons remain homeless 2.Extent to which persons return to homelessness (after exiting to permanent housing) 3.Number of homeless persons (PIT count) 4.Income and employment growth for COC-funded projects 5.Number of persons homeless for the first time 6.Homeless prevention for category 3 homeless 7.Exits to/retention of permanent housing DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
How do the measures fit with existing work? All Home Coordinating Board dashboards comprised of these measures ◦Rare measure Current – variation on measure 7 Future – combination of 5 and 7 (or 3, 5, and 7) ◦ Understand relation between inflow into homelessness and rate at which we’re able to permanently house people ◦Brief measure: Measure 1 ◦One-Time measure: Measure 2 DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
What is the CoC NOFA process? CoC NOFA funding is backbone funding for our system ◦Single largest funding source ◦Brings over $30 million annually to our community Funds large variety of permanent housing projects (PSH, RRH, and other permanent), some transitional housing Funds high priority projects for our CoC DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
How will HUD use this information? “In five years, systems performance is all that will matter in homelessness funding. Take that back to your communities” ◦Norm Suchar, Director of SNAPS, HUD DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
How will HUD use this information? Evaluate community response for purposes of CoC NOFA funding HUD incentivizing us to see homeless response as a system ◦Not a collection of unrelated programs Measures are not just of CoC-funded programs DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
How will HUD use this information? Future CoC NOFA funding rounds ◦Assess year over year improvements in systems performance within a CoC and move funding to CoCs who are improving 2016 NOFA process (2015 data) ◦Establish a baseline of CoC performance 2017 NOFA process ◦HMIS bed coverage and data quality ◦CoC’s responsibility to entice non-funded partners to participate in HMIS DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
What data do the measures use? Program-level data elements include: ◦Project type code Client-level data elements include: ◦Date of Birth ◦Program Entry Date ◦Program Exit Date ◦Destination ◦Length of Time on Street, ES, or TH ◦Residential Move-In Date ◦Income & Sources DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
What are we doing to prepare? First – no surprises ◦Similar data to All Home CB dashboard Bitfocus undertaking comprehensive data quality review ◦Two phase review process Phase 1 – Global ◦ Through July 9th Phase 2 – Targeted Outreach to Agencies ◦ Now through July 22nd DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
Where are we right now? Two rounds of data review Challenges in preliminary review of data, confirmed in secondary review ◦Length of time on the streets field completed only half the time (since launch) ◦Several large shelter providers not reporting exit destinations ◦Many agencies not reporting an annual assessment of income for those staying longer than 12 months DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
How can you play a role? From now until August ◦Serve as an ambassador to other groups ◦Act as an expert on measures themselves ◦Provide context in connecting this initiative to what people know and have seen ◦Drive home the importance of good data quality For next year’s submission ◦Focus on bringing non-funded programs into HMIS ◦Support Bitfocus in addressing data quality issues DRAFT - DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION
Questions? Closing announcements