English4 credits Math3 credits Social Studies3 credits Science3 credits Physical Education 1 ½ credits Financial Literacy ½ credit Electives 10 credits Civics Exam Health (must take in hs if didn’t pass in MS) TOTAL 25 credits MINIMUM
English 101 credit Math1 credit Science1 credit (Physical Science/Chemistry/Food and Animal Science) Physical Education ½ credit World History 1 credit Electives 1 ½ - 3 1/2 All students must take a minimum of 6 credits (no more than two (2) study halls per semester), although 7 credits is highly recommended.
All sophomores should be taking English 10 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 4 credits
Be sure to check the prerequisite! Talk with your math teacher for the correct course. If you are attending college or technical college, check the admission requirements for math. Most universities require 3 years of advanced math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II and higher) GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: 3 credits
Physical Science Or Chemistry (teacher recommendation) Or Food and Animal Science Check the university or technical college for their admission requirement/ and prerequisites for additional science courses at MHS GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: 3 credits
WORLD HISTORY is recommended if you didn’t take it during your freshmen year Modern US History1 credit World History1 credit Civics1 credit GRADUATION REQUIREMENT – 3 CREDITS
Physical Education 9/10 ½ credit Can take PE with GET FIT – ADVANCED FITNESS and WEIGHT TRAINING ½ credit Read the course catalog for the new description
Students take (3) courses to earn 1 ½ credits of PE to meet graduation requirements. High School students may substitute participation in athletic co curricular activities for ½ credit of the 1 ½ credits required for graduation. Students who substitute athletic co-curricular participation must complete an additional ½ credit of English, Math, Science, Social Studies or Health Education course that is not otherwise required for graduation.
Students may want to retake a course to learn at a deeper level to prepare for future coursework, improve one’s gpa or college admission, increase chances on acquiring a scholarship or simply to acquire the maximum gpa on can earn. The decision to retake a course is an important decision and requires a parent meeting with school personnel prior to the second enrollment. Any course to be retaken must be done within the next school year. All courses taken will be recorded on the students transcript. The letter “R” will replace the lower grade and will have no value in calculating one’s gpa or class rank.
Course catalog is available at: 1. Guidance Department 2. Scheduling 3. Course Description Booklet Read all course descriptions, know what you are taking. WHAT IS A PREREQUISITE?
Beginning today you can enter your course requests into Skyward. Course requests must be completed by Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Make sure that you check all of your requirements for graduation. You must take at least 6 credits and a maximum of 8 credits.
Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:00 – 7:45pm Mayville High School OPEN HOUSE: come and talk to all of the teachers to find out more information regarding your course selections for next year!
WISCONSIN CAREER PATHWAYS: 17 career clusters that provide a picture of career/programs and types of education available. If you need your password, let me know.
Begin now in creating a Resume: Example: Grade 9Forensics 1st place at State FootballAll Conference Art ClubPresident 4-H helped w/ food drive Keep track so you don’t forget!!!!!
New beginning this year, students will be able to take courses in the summer to allow them more flexibility in this schedules throughout high school 2016 Summer School Courses: Physical Education ½ credit World History S1 ½ credit US History S1 ½ credit This must be the first time you have taken the courses offered.
It’s not too early to begin searching out the college that will meet your needs: Wisconsin Technical Colleges University of Wisconsin System Wisconsin Private Universities/Colleges