1 General Education, Composition Kaplan University CM 220 Unit 2 Seminar
Agenda Unit 2 Activities Overview Tech Lab Overview Discussion of Argument, Research Questions, Thesis Statements, & Logical Fallacies O’Hegarty article discussion (if time) Preview of Unit 3 2
UNIT 2 ACTIVITIES Reading: Unit 2 overview; The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, pp. 5-6 & 36-43; Fallacy Gallery; O’Hegarty article on campaign for non-smoking Invention Lab: Develop research questions and a potential working thesis statement Project: “Elevator pitch” of big idea and research strategy Tech Lab: Slide presentations, traditional and animated options 3
What’s a Tech Lab?? As part of your final project, you’ll need to create a multimodal version of your “big idea.” To help you with ideas for that part of the project, there are tech labs sprinkled throughout the course. Tech labs give you an opportunity to practice different kinds of presentational technology, such as Prezi & Animoto. They are not required.They are not required. For more info, check out this nine-minute overview of tech labs: 4
What is an argument? 5
What is an ARGUMENT? An argument is an issue that has at least two sides. Arguments present solid evidence and logical reasoning that will persuade your readers to accept your point of view. An argument is not mere wrangling, dispute, contentiousness, or quarreling. A strong argument takes into consideration the opposition’s point of view. 6
Topic Research Question Thesis for your Argument Education Public Health Topic/BIG IDEAS How can student performance be improved in public schools? Should health insurance for smokers be more expensive? Research Question/LIMITATION Adopting an all year school schedule will improve student performance. Insurance premiums for smokers should not be increased. Thesis/POSITION 7
So, what topic have you selected for this term? What’s your BIG IDEA? 8
Research Question Once you know your topic, develop your research question(s), a question (or questions) you would like to answer through your research. It can help you LIMIT your topic/big idea and provide you with a focus for a paper or argument. It should be appropriate to the subject and limitations of the assignment. 9
Sample Research Questions WHO benefits from decreased dependence on foreign oil? WHAT is the best type of alternative fuel vehicle? WHEN is the best time to invest in alternative fuel vehicles? WHERE is the engine in an electric car? HOW does an electric car work? WHY does the US support offshore drilling? SHOULD the US government offer tax incentives 10
11 What are some of the questions you’d like to research regarding your topic— your big idea?
Once you’ve decided on your research question, use that to formulate a tentative thesis statement… What is a thesis statement? 12
Preliminary Thesis Hints Your final essay must be argumentative, so your thesis should clearly assert which position you’re taking on the topic. Argumentative language like “should,” “must,” and “need(s)” is appropriate here. Consider your audience to help you formulate a strong thesis. Avoid using 1 st or 2 nd person pronouns. Strong argumentative thesis statements often begin with Because… or Although… 13
LOGICAL FALLACIES Bandwagon Slanters Persuasive Definitions Personal Attacks Post Hoc Scare Tactics 15 Slippery Slope Strawman Testimonials Generalizations Categorical Statements Begging the Question False Analogy Appeal to Authority
Bandwagon: the idea that everybody does it or believes it 80 percent of Americans dislike the idea of increased taxes; therefore, the government should reduce taxes in order to improve our economy. What is weak in this argument? 16
Ad hominem: an attack on the character of a person rather than her/his opinions or arguments Greenpeace's strategies aren't effective because they are all liberals and hippies. What is weak in this argument? 17
How do we AVOID fallacies in our own writing? 18
Let’s review the article by O’Hegarty, et al. The article concludes that the U.S. should use graphic warnings because graphic warning are likely to be effective in the U.S. Is the research valid? Does it have any weaknesses? Could the hypothesis be tested further? Would the use of graphic warnings be an example of the “appeal to fear” fallacy and, if so, would using them in an anti- smoking campaign be ethical? 19
Unit 3 Preview Reading: Introduction to unit; Qualitative research article; Interview Tips (WC); Research Resources (WC) Invention lab: Reflection on senate hearing videos from Rogers and Gore Seminar: Conducting mock interviews and discussion of listening skills 20