Innovative Multimedia Design for Curriculum Accessibility
Introductions Beth Jamison Dave Basham
The GCU story
Changing the institutional mindset
Example: GCU Accessibility Standards Grand Canyon University is committed to providing accessible website content and functionality. “Accessible” means that regardless of any visual impairment, an individual is able to independently access and utilize GCU’s websites to obtain information and services offered by the University. It is GCU’s goal that all students, faculty and staff are able to use the same web services with equivalent ease of use. In order to achieve this goal, GCU has adopted the following standards for new web development: 1.GCU websites will be designed and developed to be compatible with screen reader software. 2.All website functionality will be accessible through keyboard commands. 3.Site navigation will be arranged so that a user can progress logically from start to finish through the site content. 4.Web sites will be designed to permit screen readers to skip repetitive navigation menus. 5.Frames will be titled with text to allow navigation and identification. 6.Data tables will include identified row and column headers. 7.Multimedia elements will have text alternatives provided. 8.Descriptive text elements will be included for all non-text elements of the page that relate to the page content and functions. 9.Alt tags will be included for pages that contain images. 10.All videos will be closed-captioned and a descriptive text transcript will be made available for blind users. 11.All audio content will include transcripts. 12.All form controls must be labeled. 13.Elements that expand / collapse must be labeled to announce change to the screen reader. 14.If a timed response is required, the user must be alerted and given a method to request more time. 15.All elements must be visible in high contrast mode (Windows). 16.Any information conveyed by color will also be available without the use of color. 17.All pages will be understandable without their associated style sheet. 18.All elements will be designed to avoid causing a screen flicker in the frequency range of 2Hz to 55Hz, inclusive. If a video is unable to meet these standards due to content, a warning label will be included. 19.GCU will use tools provided by W3C to scan new websites and attempt to resolve accessibility suggestions before the website is made available. In addition to the above standards, GCU offers Technical Support for individuals to work in a one-on-one basis to assist with navigation of a GCU website. Individuals requiring assistance can contact Technical Support or the University’s Disability Services Department for assistance.
Academic Web Services We make cool stuff!
Our Development Process
Example: Universal design considerations used for AWS business requirements docs Universal Design Considerations {AWS Should strive to meet the following compliance standards. If a standard cannot be me, please be prepared to explain why. Please remove standards that do not apply to this media.} UDC – 1: All sites must be checked against NVDA standards for media compatibility assessment. UDC – 2: For all video media pieces or multimedia accompanied by voice over audio, AWS will incorporate closed captioning options into the video player. UDC – 3: For all visual aspects of media pieces with audio content, AWS will work with CDD to create rich transcripts with detailed and descriptive information. All rich transcripts will be provided for students as a PDF which is compatible with screen readers. Important links that are mentioned in media pieces should be provided in transcripts as opposed to reading aloud in actual media piece. UDC – 4: AWS will consciously attempt to design and build media pieces which allow navigation via keyboard as well as by mouse when possible. UDC – 5: AWS will continue to pay close attention to language choices in all media pieces and will implement the use of disclaimers whenever necessary. Disclaimers are intended for use in media pieces that deal with political, religious, racial, violent, and generally emotional topics. UDC – 6: A standardized help menu with familiar icons will be created to inform the user of all the available tools and options in the media piece. The help menu should instruct how to download transcripts, enable audio, enable captions, and inform the user of various keyboard or mouse controls. UDC – 7: AWS will offer to include the contact information for Student Disability Services in media pieces as an extra resource for students if they need further assistance.
“A little added to a little is a lot” “Accessibility is not an after treatment. It needs to be built into the structure of every element at the beginning.” “Now that I’m creating [more] accessible pieces, I want to go back and grab my old products and bring up the quality. Now when I make my stuff [accessible] I can be proud of the quality of my work.” “Incremental development is key, because you learn something new about developing for universal design with every new component you create.” “As we’re planning larger projects we know we need to re-evaluate websites, development platforms, and reforecast regularly in order to keep up.” Nobody is perfect
Questions Beth Jamison | Dave Basham |
Thank you for joining us! Based on our interaction with you during the Q&A portion of the presentation, we encourage you to check out these resources: A great TED Talk by the creators of NVDA. A great TED Talk by the creators of NVDA.NVDA The Writing Process: This media includes step by step process, animated videos, and check for understanding quizzes. The Writing Process: This media includes step by step process, animated videos, and check for understanding quizzes. The Writing Process The Writing Process University Success Challenge: This media includes written content, check for understanding quizzes, and game mechanics like scoring, earning badges, and an institutional leaderboard. University Success Challenge: This media includes written content, check for understanding quizzes, and game mechanics like scoring, earning badges, and an institutional leaderboard. University Success Challenge University Success Challenge COM-210 Webbook – Speaking in Public and Modern Contexts: Custom Course Content created by GCU for our students. COM-210 Webbook – Speaking in Public and Modern Contexts: Custom Course Content created by GCU for our students. COM-210 Webbook – Speaking in Public and Modern Contexts COM-210 Webbook – Speaking in Public and Modern Contexts Non-Verbal Delivery Skills: This media is embedded in one of our custom textbooks and includes live action video of a speech including narration describing the key points of non-verbal communication all closed captioned. Non-Verbal Delivery Skills: This media is embedded in one of our custom textbooks and includes live action video of a speech including narration describing the key points of non-verbal communication all closed captioned. Non-Verbal Delivery Skills Non-Verbal Delivery Skills Catch and Release Simulation: This media includes a wild-life simulation and charting results. Catch and Release Simulation: This media includes a wild-life simulation and charting results. Catch and Release Simulation Catch and Release Simulation For more AWS media, visit or contact Dave For more AWS media, visit or contact Dave