Brian Herring Ann Hutto Websites that help the Divergent Learner… there is always room for more.
+ Make your own flashcards or use pre-made + All subjects, all grades + Print out or use as applications on cell phone, iPod, PDA - Lots to choose from, have to search for appropriate level
+ Could be used for as low as 6 th grade or as high as college + Multiple subjects - Difficult to use with grades below 6 th
+ Helps all levels from K-8 + Interactive games and activities galore! - The one negative is there is so much on this site you could spend hours searching and accomplish nothing. + This free on-line site was created by SC ETV for teachers, students and parents. + This site has collection of resources for classroom use in grades K Go on a virtual Web of Water tour of the regions of our state, explore South Carolina wildlife, or listen to Gullah tales told by Aunt Pearlie Sue.. - The one negative is most of this site is only for SC students.
+ Ideas for teachers – strategies, manipulatives -/+ upper grades + multiple subjects + study sheets + practice tests
+ create own quizzes + geography and math - main page not very inviting
+ Access to facts about world news, U.S. history and government, famous people, books, mythology, language, science, math, money and sports + “Cool Stuff” section including facts about movies, music, art, holidays and more games and quizzes + Homework Center, which includes links to reference sources - The one negative is most of this site is for 8 th grade and below.
+ Science + Question and Answer - This site says all areas/all grade but found majority of information for 10 th -12 th grades
+ Many good websites can be found here. + Visualizations and simulations + Smartboard friendly - Difficult to follow - Teacher direction is a must - Age suggestions not always appropriate + news stories geared to teens + class can make their own page + post comments to stories
+ Great resource for information about South Carolina - Only South Carolina information - No activities found
+ History games and activities based on shows from the History Channel - Just history + All Grades, All Subjects - Games for older students - Not all games are educational
+ Great Power Points, All Grades, All Subjects + Games and activities for all ages + Power Points for teachers
+ All Grades + Games and activities for all ages + Power Points for teachers - Mainly Social Studies
+ Upper grades + Great resource - Just US History + Activities and games for all grades + Print activities or play on-line - Mainly history
+ Games and activities + Multiple subjects + Multiple levels
Animated videos that are curriculum-based Science, social studies, English, math, arts and music, and technology Includes BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP Español, and the newly launched BrainPOP ESL. Each video includes a quiz at the end The one negative is most of this site cost money.
Learn about historical events from the ancient world to the 20 th century Individual sections for World War I and World War II Other sections include Photo of the Week, Snapshots (photographic gateways to history), Voices (audio clips including Franklin Roosevelt and Charles Lindbergh) and History in Motion (video clips) The one negative this site is only for 8 th grade and above.