Developing a Five-Year ADRC Statewide Plan February 14, 2011
2 11 regional ADRCs serve the entire Commonwealth ADRCs based on collaborative and equal partnerships among Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs)/Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Independent Living Centers (ILCs) All in various stages of refinement with original ADRCs boasting 6 years of experience State supported grassroots, regionally-driven model “No Wrong Door” decentralized partnerships
- Key legislation passed in 2006—Equal Choice Law requiring pre-admission counseling - Collaboration with Care Transitions Forum - MA Homecare Association engaged Coleman model - ADRC Strategic Planning Process 4
Options Counseling: - State required to implement “pre-admission counseling” for all individuals seeking admission to a nursing facility, regardless of income - Piloted in three ADRCs for 2 years, now available statewide - Provided impetus for ADRC entrée to hospitals, rehab and skilled nursing facilities - Building ADRC staff expertise and skills in person- centered methodologies of assessment, information sharing, education, and decision support - Core function that lays foundation for access to so many other key initiatives such as care transitions, MFP, EBCDM, NH transitions/diversions 5
- Part of Care Transitions Forum spearheaded by the MA Health Data Consortium - Coalition of health providers, non-profit community organizations and State agencies with goal to improve health outcomes through improved care transitions - Two ADRC member agencies represented - Presentations to broad group on role of ADRCs in care transitions - Each ADRC engaged in some level of care transitions model development - MA Home Care Association sponsored two trainings in the Coleman CTI in May and November MA recipient of recent Care Transition grant from AoA 6
Strategy #1: State leadership embrace vision and mission of ADRCs as community focal point for long term services and supports Strategy #2: “States” partner with community-based ADRCs to build strategic plan for weaving ADRCs into the “fabric” of the long term service and supports system Strategy #3: Position ADRCs within new/current initiatives 7
Strategy #4: State leadership continue to channel new and current initiatives through the ADRC Why? 1. Incrementally build capacity of ADRC to assume/refine responsibilities 2. Maintains ADRC as community focal point 3. Retains ADRC as important resource in eyes of state leadership 4. As ADRCs respond to new roles & responsibilities, confidence and experience grows- thus proving capacity, willingness, and effectiveness 8
For most states, building upon existing infrastructure(s) = existing funding source(s) Offer/provide access to core services for individuals seeking LTSS, caregivers, and providers: ◦ Information, Referral & Assistance ◦ Decision Support/Options Counseling ◦ Service Facilitation ◦ Most importantly, they are the HUB OF THE WHEEL 9
- Currently wrapping up development of 5-year strategic plan—the MA “ADRC roadmap” for the future - Key component of discussion—what is the role of ADRCs in the broader system? Many key initiatives underway at State and Federal levels - Requires State direction, leadership and vision supported by ADRC commitment and creativity - What did the strategic planning prioritization process reveal? 10
Add Transitions to “Core Functions” of ADRCs Incorporate into strategic plan—developing common outcomes and measures for each, business practices, needed resources, and activities to accomplish outcomes Created Outcomes & Data Workgroup to focus specifically on systems-level outcomes for ADRCs and for core functions—with Options Counseling to start Build necessary evaluation plan to build state-level capacity to report on effectiveness and cost-savings of ADRCs to entire system 13
Heather Johnson, Consultant Ruth Palombo, Assistant Secretary Executive Office of Elder Affairs Ann Shor MA Rehabilitation Commission Laura Connors, ADRC Statewide Coordinator