US LUEC Meeting US LUEC Meeting University of Wisconsin Madison November University of Wisconsin Madison November
2 USLUO Annual Meeting 2013 Thank You Wisconsin HEP for Hosting our Meeting Many thanks also to Argonne National Lab HEP for a major effort in most difficult times
ACCU News Our 2013 Meeting: Participation and Finances; Finance issues Our “Agenda”: How to better serve our community Well-being committee; Handling of personal and other issues at CERN US LUO Get-togethers Establishing Social Network presence(s) [Facebook, Twitter] A great way for the younger generation to interact ACCU: US Rep. from 2014 Further discussion of committees follows 3 US LUEC Issues for Discussion (1) US LHC 2000 Scientists, engineers, students and technicians from 96 US institutions in 33 US States + Puerto Rico 68 of the 83 US universities in URA
4 US LUA Interim Executive Comm + Subcommittees in 2013 Name Institution Office Committees Daniela BortolettoPurdueWB, DC Sridhara Dasu Wisconsin LR, DC Sarah Demers Yale WB, LR, DC Sandor Feher Fermilab Harvey Newman Caltech WB, DC, Fin Michael Tuts Columbia Vice Chair WB, DC, Fin Darin AcostaFlorida ACCU Rep.WB, DC, Fin Ken BloomNebraskaElection Comm. EC Tom LeCompte Argonne Usha Mallik Iowa EC, WB Sheldon Stone Syracuse Treasurer Fin Julia ThomCornellSecretary WB: Student and Young Postdoc Well Being Committee DC: Annual DC Trip; + Other national events LR: Lightning Round at Annual Meetings FIN: Finance EC: Election Committee
5 US LHC Users Association Executive Committee LUEC Members as well as Observers will need to be active on committees Elections Well Being; Quality of Life Finance Government Relations Events: Get-togethers, HEP and National Events Outreach; Careers Young USLUA Committee, or Group ? [Needs leadership] We need to find active observers. Other Committees ? We need to align our committees to use our efforts wisely Committee Meetings will need to be minuted
ACCU News 6 US LUEC Issues (2) US LUA Progress US LHC 2000 Scientists, engineers, students and technicians from 96 US institutions in 33 US States + Puerto Rico 68 of the 83 US universities in URA Agreement with URA May 17 Legally Established in DC June 6 US LUA Founders: HN, Tuts, Demers Interim Officers (Required): Vice Chair Tuts, Treasurer Stone, EC Bloom (with Mallik; Demers) US LUA Next Steps Application for 501(c)(3) status with IRS, with expert help Finances: Provisional ops and funding Fund raising campaign when we are tax-exempt : standard wait is 18 months; hope to accelerate with expert help Periodic reports on finance URA will keep accounts and records, especially once we begin raising funds. We will report annually to the IRS.
ACCU News Events: Level of Participation; Effort and Management HEP Community Event Nov. 20 celebrating the Higgs discovery DOE Events: User Science Exhibitions on the Hill National Events: The USA Science and Engineering festival, April Careers Advertising to the whole community Keeping a list of offers ? Open Access: SCOAP3 and the APS, Chorus Snowmass and P5 discussion: We need to assess where we are headed 7 US LUEC (3) Events and Other Issues US LHC 2000 Scientists, engineers, students and technicians from 96 US institutions in 33 US States + Puerto Rico 68 of the 83 US universities in URA
US LUO Activities (1) Annual Fall Meetings Thanks to Wisconsin HEP for 2013 ! Fermilab (2012, 2010, 2008) Argonne (2011), LBNL (2009) We also thank Argonne this year ! Young Physicists’ Lightning Round Tradition (Thanks to Sridhara Dasu) Annual HEP Visits to Washington DC: 3/2008, 4/2009, 2/2010, 4/2011, 3/2012,3/2013 Coordinated with FNAL UEC, SLUO, DPF Executive as well as Congressional and Funding Agency Visits Great occasions to highlight our science, impact and need The 2013 LR Winners Joined Us: Alessandra Borgia (Syracuse), James Coggeshall (UIUC), Corey Fantasia (Boston), Alex Mott (Caltech), Matt Snowball (Florida), Jake Searcy (Oregon)
US LUO Activities (2) Young Physicist Well-Being Subcomittee (S. Demers, U. Mallik) Resources, help with handling of problem cases; working to improve the handling of such cases at CERN Get-togethers of students and young postdocs at CERN: first two were a great success; we plan more – Volunteers ! Together with ACCU (Acosta) Media Training Thanks to Katie Yurkewicz, Kathryn Jepson [Sessions 10/18/12, 3/10/13; Another soon] Outreach about LHC Work actively with existing programs: (QuarkNet, US LHC Program, US LHC Communications) Individual Efforts – Public Lectures; Talks to Schools What (more) can we do specifically ?
Forming the US LHC Users Association Agreed with URA; Approved by Support from Lab Directors: Leadership by Cehelsky (URA) and Oddone (FRA); Agreed during Feb ICFA Meeting at Oxford: Fermilab, BNL, Argonne, LBNL, SLAC. To be requested annually. US LUO must be its own organization if URA is to host it; Forming the US LUA: An Unincorporated Nonprofit Association in DC Under the “Uniform Nonprofit Association Act” Simple to form, but needs to be operated and managed with due care Clear and precise Articles & Bylaws written with help of Tyler Przybylek, then General Counsel of URA, and Jeff Shapiro (CFO) Agreement for Services approved, signed by URA & USLUO May 17 Applied to to Form US LUA June 6; approved Sept. 17: a major milestone – establishing our legal existence Obtained an EIN October 6 Selected the remaining officers: Vice Chair (Tuts), Treasurer (Stone), Election Committee (Bloom, with Mallik; support by Demers) Next: Apply for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS (Form 1023)
ACCU News AlabamaArizonaBrownBUCaltech UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Riverside UCSDUCSB Carnegie Mellon Case Western ChicagoColoradoColumbiaCornellDukeFlorida Florida State HarvardUIC 11 US LHC: 68 of 83 US Universities in URA UIUCIITIndianaIowa Iowa State Johns Hopkins MarylandMITMichiganMSUMinnesotaNebraska-Lincoln New Mexico NortheasternNIUNorthwestern Notre Dame Ohio State OklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPittsburgh Princeton Purdue RiceRochesterRockefellerRutgers South Carolina Southern Methodist Stanford SUNY Buffalo SUNY Stony Brook Syracuse Tennessee Knoxville Texas A&M UT Arlington UT Austin UT Dallas Texas Tech Tufts Vanderbilt Virginia Washington Wayne State WisconsinYale US LHC 2000 Scientists, engineers, students and technicians from 96 US institutions in 33 US States and Puerto Rico
Documents: US Large Hadron Collider Users Limited Cooperative Association
US LHC Users Limited Cooperative Association IRS 1023 for Tax Exempt Status, 990 Return 31 Pages 99 Pages
Reactions to Our Message in Congress Comment from Breese Quinn Recommend by URA. Near to their HQ. CFO Shapiro met with them, set up the engagement Engaging an Expert Tax Consultant
Just to recap our discussion, I think we could complete the 1023 and respond to IRS questions on the backend for $5,000 plus out of pocket expenses. This is assuming one important thing: that the list of questions we send is completed fully and accurately. A full list of roughly questions will be included in the engagement letter when it is done. But it will include things like: 1) Budgeted revenue and expenses for four year period 2) List of directors, officers, founders 3) Biography about each of these persons and how they are uniquely situated to lead the organization 4) Compensation information on the former individuals 5) Detailed program write-up 6) Any information on relationships between directors, officers, both business and family Thanks, Aaron M. Fox, CPA Senior Manager, Tax T: ; F: This is the result of meetings between URA CFO Shapiro and Fox of Raffa We agreed to move ahead and obtain the engagement letter (HN, Tuts, Stone) Once the questions are completed we will seek approval of the full US LUEC
Filing for 501(c)(3) Status and Provisional Operation of US LUA “I do note that is far less expensive than if our counsel billed you for the same process…we are not the experts and it would simply take that much longer. Aaron also noted that while Raffa will work to try and cut- down the standard 18 month waiting time (to something more reasonable), once you have filed then your organization can begin to operate “provisionally” pending final approval. If for some reason you didn’t get approval (a very unlikely option) you would need to address any small tax consequences…but again, very unlikely.” - Jeff Shapiro (URA CFO)
US LUA Budgets Accounts are maintained in the interim (overhead free) at Caltech Will transition to URA HQ when tax free status is obtained Then the clock will start on expenditures for staff time; URA has been very accommodating until now A note on Fund Raising: Annual funding from the lab directors ($ 30k) forms the core, but the rest will need to come from Institutional Donations Targeting $ 40k – 50k in total, per year. Include $ 10k per year for the young physicist get-togethers at CERN Anticipated donations: $ 500 – 1k per year per university (or department or faculty) Fund raising will start when we obtain tax-exempt status
Expenses Annual Trip to Washington (12 young members)$ 12k Quarterly get-togethers for young physicists at CERN $ 10k Trips to participate in other events in Washington [e.g. APS, NUFO]:$ 6k Funds to encourage participation by young members in the Annual US LUO meeting, in the March APS or other science society meetings:$ 10k Funds to allow US LUO to participate in national events, such as $ 10k the Annual Science and Engineering festival Part time URA staff person $ 30k Webmaster part time $ 6k Total Annual Expenses (Estimated): $ 84k Funding HEP Lab directors’ discretionary funds $ 30k Fees at Annual Meeting returned to US LUO$ 10k Requested as donations from US LUO Universities $ 44k Total Annual Funds (Estimated): $ 84k + Targeted NSF travel grants will be proposed, to support more young physicists 18 US LUA Updated Budget Outline
HEP DC Trip 2013: 37 People, 15 from USLUO and UEC Each; Visited 253 Offices [login] USLUO Alessandra Borgia (Syracuse) Jim Cochran (Iowa State) James Coggeshall (UIUC) Sridhara Dasu (Wisconsin) Sarah Demers (Yale) Cory Fantasia (Boston) Al Goshaw (Yale) Tom Lecompte (Argonne) Dan Marlow (Princeton) Alex Mott (Caltech) Harvey Newman (Caltech) Toyoko Orimoto (Northeastern) Jake Searcy (Oregon) Matt Snowball (Florida) Michael Tuts (Columbia) + Nikos Varelas (Fermilab) (DPF + UEC + US LUO) + Breese Quinn, Herman White, Tom Handler, Dan Kaplan * * * * * *
US LUO Activities (3): Other Events in Washington User Science Exhibitions on the Hill: Organized by NUFO Annual Visit by the APS to Congress November 20 Community Visit celebrating the Higgs discovery and recent advances in particle physics (Proposed): USA Science and Engineering Festival, working with Fermilab (Marge Bardeen) that is already involved To consider: Sponsorship; An Exhibit ; Lectures; An Associated Event (Proposed): Testify before Congress in 2014; Coordinate with Fermilab
Rayburn Office Building 5:30 – 7 PM Nov. 20, 2013 US HEP Community Visit to Congress Sponsored by DPF, URA Register (free) by November 14 Visit
US LUA in National Events 3rd USA Science and Engineering Festival To Consider Sponsorship | Exhibit | Lectures | Co-Events 300 Schools 450 Exhibits, 750 STEM Organizations, “Every” Gov’t Agency 2 nd Festival Attendees Coordinate with Fermilab (Marge Bardeen)
US LUA in National Events: 3rd USA Science and Engineering Festival Celebrate science! The 3rd USA Science & Engineering Festival, the largest science festival in the United States, features nationwide contests and school programs during the 2013/2014 school year, including our popular 'Nifty Fifty' science speaker program - presented by InfoComm International. The Festival culminates in a 2-day Grand Finale Expo on April 26-27, 2014, with Sneak Peek Friday on April 25, and the US News STEM Solutions Conference on April New this year: X-STEM - presented by Northrop Grumman Foundation and MedImmune - an Extreme STEM Symposium for students on April 24.Nifty FiftyX-STEM Co-Event Example U.S. News STEM Solutions brings together major corporations, leading educators, top policy makers and education technology companies to advance the agenda for national change in STEM education, policy and workforce development. April 23-25
US LUA in National Events: 3rd USASEF Dear Colleagues, As far as national events in science and STEM education go, the most impactful by far is the USA Science and Engineering Festival with hundreds of sponsors, associated events in various fields of science, lectures in many of the surrounding schools, and White House involvement. Until now US LUO just had nominal involvement, in the first festival. Fermilab has been involved in both of the first two. Now that we have had the Higgs discovery, and we anticipate further discoveries, we should think seriously, as a field, of more substantial involvement. Shall we: Become a sponsor ? Have an exhibit (if still possible) ? Participate in lectures ? Have a satellite event ? What else do you suggest ? Needless to say, if we do decide to proceed, this would be in cooperation with US LHC Communications, UEC, SLUO, DPF and the APS, as well as DOE/HEP, the Office of Science and the NSF. It would be a significant effort. April
Energy Frontier: Raymond Brock (MSU) Michael Peskin (SLAC) Intensity Frontier: JoAnne Hewett (SLAC) Harry Weerts (ANL) Cosmic Frontier: Jonathan Feng (Irvine) Steve Ritz (Santa Cruz) Instrumentation: Marcel Demarteau Ron Lipton Howard Nicholson (Mt. Holyoke) Frontier Facilities: William Barletta (MIT) Murdock Gilchriese (LBNL) Computing Frontier: Lothar Bauerdick (FNAL) Steven Gottlieb (Indiana) Education & Outreach: Marge Bardeen (FNAL) Dan Cronin-Hennessy (UMinn), SNOWMASS 2013: DPF Long Term Working Group Convenors
CPM 2012 October at Fermilab Energy Frontier Chip Brock (MSU) Michael Peskin (SLAC)
CSS2013 Outcomes and Boundary Conditions In general, we would like from the study process a community consensus on a ‘situation analysis’ for each major subsection of our field. –What are our current strengths and capabilities, and what are the opportunities we face. The ‘situation analysis’ can be accompanied by a ‘decision tree’ that summarizes a range of future options, depending on what current experiments do or do not find. –This is very helpful to understand what we need to do in order to be able to make certain decisions (e.g., await some new physics results? Technology demonstration? Etc.) –The analysis also needs to quantify how accurately various measurements need to made in order to advance the field (“more precise is better” is not good enough) Some opportunities may be too poorly defined to allow a major investment at this time, but need further exploration. –We refer to ‘pilot studies’ being needed to explore these areas in advance of approval of DOE Mission Need. 27
Boundary Conditions Note that a ‘brute force’ approach that seeks to spend vast sums in order to build some facility/physics capability simply will not work in today’s fiscal environment. This has been empirically demonstrated. – Most recently, via our discussions on LBNE, we have confirmed that single domestic project expenditures must be somewhat smaller than $1B per stage. CSS2013 participants are encouraged to think about whatever physics you think is most relevant and important to progress in HEP, but the effort you put in should be tempered with a realistic assessment of funding possibilities. – Many ideas can be staged to provide new physics capability at each step, but some cannot. Stringing together projects that build upon previous investments either scientifically or through recycling of infrastructure is generally well received. 28
We Are Looking Forward to Our 2014 HEP DC Trip Together with Our 2014 US LUO Lightning Round Award Winners And in 2014: With Your Help We start in Dec. Thanks again to DPF, FRA, URA and the Directors of Fermilab, Argonne, LBNL, BNL and SLAC We are thankful for UEC’s experience: