After the Persian War, Greek culture flourishes (especially in Athens). ◦ Art during this period is called classical art.
Pericles ordered it to be built between 447 & 432 BC Temple in honor of Athena ◦ Rectangular shaped ◦ 46 columns ◦ Marble ◦ Gold & ivory statue of Athena inside Built to correct optical illusion
The columns used in the Parthenon are Doric columns. Some buildings in the United States that have Greek columns include the White House (Ionic), the Lincoln Memorial (Doric), and the United States Capitol Building (Corinthian).
Greeks were OBSESSED with beauty Art was realistic & lifelike Pottery ◦ Mythological scenes ◦ Scenes of everyday life
Myron ◦ He created statues of what people SHOULD look like ◦ Tried to create perfect human form Phidias ◦ Given credit for statue of Athena placed in the Parthenon Myron’s Discus Thrower
Greeks were the 1 st to write & perform plays 2 types of plays: 1. Tragedies (1 st type done in Greece)- Usually main character reaches unhappy end 2. Comedies- Could be funny & usually had happy endings
1. Aeschylus ◦ Wrote 90 plays- only 7 have survived ◦ Most famous play Oresteia 2. Sophocles ◦ General in Athenian army before writing plays ◦ Wrote Oedipus Rex (about king who killed his father & married his mother– forced to do these things by the gods) ◦ When Oedipus discovers what he’s done, he blinds himself
3. Euripides- focuses on human flaws that cause people to self destruct ◦ Famous play The Trojan Women
1. Aristophanes- his plays were satires— jokes—pointed at society ◦ Poked fun at major leaders
Greeks wanted perfect body ◦ TOP PHYSICAL CONDITION Olympics (every 4 yrs in honor of Zeus) ◦ Throwing, wrestling, running, etc. Women had their own in honor of goddess Hera
They believed the human mind could understand everything ◦ Philosophers began to write works (history, biology, political science, and logic)
400s BC: Sophists, paid traveling teachers, begin teaching in the city- states ◦ Began to believe Greek gods (deities) had little control over people ◦ Individual rights & beliefs
Born in Athens to poor family (470 BC) ◦ Soldier in Peloponnesian War, sculptor, became famous as TEACHER Socratic Method: teacher questioning student Some Athenian aristocrats did not like his teachings ◦ 399 BC: accused of “corrupting the young” & “not worshipping the gods worshipped by the state” ◦ Sentenced to DEATH- drank hemlock poison
Was a student of Socrates & wrote down Socrates’ ideas Born to aristocratic family 30—becomes teacher Creates a school “The Academy” Wrote 1 st political science book, The Republic ◦ In that book, he attempts to create perfect society & govt. ◦ City-state>individual- he liked Sparta’s govt.
Studied at Plato’s Academy Tutored Alexander the Great 355 BC-opened his own school, Lyceum Scientific Method In his book Politics, listed advantages & disadvantages of the govts. in the city-states.
Herodotus “Father of Greek History” Wrote about Persian Wars in Historia Thucydides ◦ Believed the gods did not affect history ◦ Only humans capable of making history ◦ Peloponnesian War History
Greek scientists observed with naked eye Thales of Miletus (600s BC) ◦ Studied astronomy & math in Babylonia & Egypt ◦ Accurately predicted solar eclipses Pythagoras (500s BC) ◦ Thought everything could be explained using math ◦ Pythagorean theorem- used in geometry ◦ Believed world was round not flat ◦ Music: shorter the string, higher the pitch
“Father of Medicine” Hippocratic Oath-ethical code of doctors Disease caused by things in nature
Macedonians lived just north of Greece 359 BC: Philip II became King of Macedonia Philip vowed to… ◦ 1. create a strong army ◦ 2. unify Greek city-states under Macedonia ◦ 3. destroy Persian Empire Studied in Greek city-state Thebes
Philip’s military styled after Greek phalanxes 338 BC: Philip II had taken all city-states except Sparta 336 BC: Philip killed by either Persian assassin or his 1 st wife, Olympias Olympias set up her son ALEXANDER as the new king
Tutored by Aristotle for 4 yrs. Took over 16 Took 20 331 BC: Alexander had destroyed Persia & conquered Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, & Mesopotamia WANTED WORLD DOMINATION!
Got as far as Indus River ◦ Soldiers got tired of fighting & went home ◦ Some died on the way back of starvation & exposure June 323 BC: Alexander died on the way back of a fever He was only 33
Wanted empire to unite Europe & Asia (Greek & Persian) cultures Alexander & some of his troops married Persian women
When Alexander dies, his 3 main generals divide empire ◦ Ptolemy (Egypt, Syria, & Libya) ◦ Seleucus (Mesopotamia, Iran, & Afghanistan) ◦ Antigonus (Macedonia & Greece) Eventually, the Romans would take over all of Alexander’s former empire
Alexander spread Greek culture (language, arts, etc.) Hellenistic Alexandria, Egypt (center of education named after Alexander) ◦ 1 st museum (library with over 1 million books, research center, zoo, & gardens) In Alexandria, Hebrew Bible translated into Greek (250 BC)
1. Cynicism– give up luxuries & live simple life (most famous Cynic— Diogenes) 2. Epicureanism- Epicurus believed one should accept world as it is & live simple life 3. Stoicism- Zeno & the Stoics believed in natural laws, you should ignore emotions & follow reason
Hellenistic Art focused on showing emotion
Aristarchus of Samos- Earth moves around sun Eratosthenes- figured the circumference of the earth Doctors- by dissecting humans, learned the brain is the center of nervous system ◦ Studies on the brain and the liver ◦ Began to use drugs to relieve pain Euclid- Geometry book used until 1900 Archimedes- invented compound pulley, explained how levers work, discovered principle of buoyancy