The Country of Turkey One Of The Many Countries of Model UN By: Chania
Turkey’s History Turkey was occupied in 1900 bc For 600 years Turkey was ruled by the Hittite empire The republic was proclaimed officially on October 29, 1923 The founder who was also the first president was named M.K. Atatürk Turkey was never colonized but it was occupied in many places Turkey was conquered by the romans Actually they are not allies or friends with romans This history affects us now because we have enemies that could strike at anytime. So we must keep our army strong at all times. From my research most people say that Turkey’s has a strong army. In my opinion I think they do too they just need to be more aware. I’m saying that based on passed events. For example the romans
Turkey’s Culture The majorities ethnic groups in turkey are Turkish and southern Europeans Ethnic minorities have many clashes with the majority ethnic groups about religion and different beliefs like that Turkey is a multi-ethnic with Turkish and southern European it had many differences with religious views Yagli gures which in American means oiled wrestling is the top The languages spoken in Turkey are : Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, and Balkan Women and men are both treated equally but they both have their own different hobbies and occupations
Geography of turkey They have many mountains and a big peninsula Two major rivers in the southeastern region are Euphrates and Tigris One of turkey’s allies Azerbaijan is near The geography doesn’t affect the alliances it only affects the flora and fauna which means animals and plants.
Turkey’s statistical info Life Expectancy : with a 0% change from 2009 Literacy: the overall adult is 86.5% Turkey’s gross domestic product reached $658.8 billion in 2008 (The world’s 15 largest GDP) The per capita income was $12000 (est. 2008) Mauritius has about the same pci (12100) Liechtenstein had about 10 times more pci (118,000) Madagascar pci is 12 times less (1000) Our life expectancy and literacy does not affect the dependence upon the UN Since the per capita income is low and we experienced a currency crisis we have to depend on the UN
The Economy of Turkey Turkey’s main source of revenue is tourism and industry Turkey’s trading partners are Russian fed., USA and Japan Turkey’s unemployment rate is 14.5% Turkey’s total debt load is at 28.5 percent of GDP and totals TL billion as of September, 2010 TL billion was borrowed from the market and TL 67.3 billion from the public sector External borrowing totaled TL110.5 billion The economy affects our relationships with other countries because we are in a lot of debt and foreign direct investment s are critical to our future economic success
Turkey’s Government Turkey is a Parliamentary Representative Democracy Turkey is ran by the head of state who is the President of the Republic Abdullah Gul is the current president who was elected on August, 2007 for a 5 year term The Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers make up the Executive Power The Legislative Power is the Grand National Assembly of Turkey The Constitutional Court is the Judicial Power A few of the other types of government include Absolute Monarchy, Authoritarian, Anarchy, Commonwealth, Communist and Confederacy Turkey’s allies are the USA, Europe and the middle east None of our allies have similar governments, culture or economies with Turkey