Leading logistics for a new generation PCA CONFERENCE – MARCH 2016 – LAS VEGAS
About ATA Freight Line Established in New York, 1996 Global Logistics Solutions Provider 20 years in the Industry Offices in USA, Turkey, India, China & Mexico Total of 27 ATA Global Locations 400+ Employees Worldwide Leading logistics for a new generation
Our Corporate Introduction
About ATA Freight Turkey First ATA Freight Line Office in Turkey opened in 2001 ATA Freight currently operates with +100 ATA Group employees in Turkey ATA Freight operates out of 10 Fully owned, strategically located facilities in Turkey Dedicated Customs & Brokerage personnel in Istanbul and Derince Istanbul Izmit Izmir Bursa Ankara Konya Mersin Ambarli
Trade Lane Specialists Solving Logistical Challenges in the World’s Toughest Shipping Markets Far East Middle East Indian Sub-Continent North America Europe
Services ATA Freight is ready to make your business easier and more efficient. Let ATA Freight streamline your supply line: ATA Freight’s global network provides greater flexibility and better choices ATA Freight’s global reach allows for rapid responses to developing situations With a greater range of solutions comes greater predictability ATA Freight brings on-the-ground experience to every level of what we do With a Global reach and local knowledge, ATA Freight has unrivalled overview
Services ATA Freight is your personalized logistics partner Supply Chain Solutions Project Cargo Warehouse Services Packaging Insuarance Handling Customs Brokerage
ATA Freight Products
A revolutionary full service, shipment management solution with world class technology to manage your entire supply chain. From planning future shipments to real time tracking and visibility. This single platform delivers on all levels VIZIO MyWay
Please Watch the Video to Learn More About MyWay
Response Time 3 hour response time guarantee for customer inquiries, Next business day response for overseas customers. Shipment Arrival Notifications Expect an arrival notice for your incoming shipments* 3 days prior to date of actual arrival Last Day Free Alerts Count on receiving an from us listing last free day. 4 business days ahead for terminals. ATAGuarantees Never done before. We Guarantee top service or your next container’s shipment documentation fees are on us.
Everyone loves advantages. ATAPremier provides access to exclusive member benefits and services that can save your company, time and money. Be a member, be exclusive. ATAPremier
ATACares ATA Freight is a more personalized logistics company We keep our customers informed and in control of their global supply chain By providing frequent, personal communication Rely on ATA Freight Line to send you alerts on what is happenning now in the shipping industry.
Company Awards 2014 Hall of Fame Six Year Partner Classification 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 Partner Level Logistics Provider Awards Achieving Excellence 2014 Supplier Innovation Award for Creativity, feasibility, collaboration and bottom line impact
Some Industry Leaders Who Have Preferred ATA Freight…
Turkey – Iran Busıness Opportunities
TURKEY – IRAN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUMMARY I. Iran Introduction II. Turkey – Iran Routes ( Sea Freight / Land Freight ) III. Carrier Information IV. Turkey – Iran Business Development
I.Iran Introduction
Iran Introduction Real GDP growth (%) Capital – TEHERAN Population : 78,10 Milion – 2014 Iran, a Middle Eastern country south of the Caspian Sea and north of the Persian Gulf, is three times the size of Arizona. It shares borders with Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
Iran Introduction INDUSTRİES Petroleum Petrochemicals Textiles Cement and other construction materials, Food processing Metal fabrication MAJOR TRADİNG PARTNERS Japan, China, Italy, Turkey South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Netherlands, Germany, France, UAE, South Korea, Russia. Second largest country in the Middle East Fourth largest oil producer in the world Imports industrial raw materials & intermediate goods, capital goods, foodstuffs and other consumer goods, technical services, military supplies. Exports Petroleum 80%, chemical and petrochemical products,fruits and nuts, carpets.
II. Turkey – Iran Routes ( Sea Freight / Land Freight )
Port of Bandar Abbas Port of Shahid Rajaee Port of Ambarlı Port of İzmit Port of Aliağa, İzmir Port of Mersin Port of Gemlik
III. Carrier Information
Carrier Information Via Services – TT Days approx. Via Dubai Direct Service TT 12 Days Approx.(1st week of March) Main port : Bandar Abbas located at the south of Iran From South of Iran – Teheran : Approx 800 kms (approx usd inland trucking) Cost : usd 1500/20’dc usd 2500/40’dc Sea Transportation 10%
Direct Service 2-4 Days Approx. From main cities of Turkey – Teheran(North of Iran) Cost : usd / truck(upto 20 tons) Land Transportation 85% Air Transportation 5 % Direct Service / Daily Departures IST - IKA M 80 euro N 2.50 euro euro euro euro euro euro Awb 40 euro
IV. Turkey – Iran Business Development
Turkey – Iran Business Development Ambargo lifting since ( while most US Sanctions will remain in place – EU Sanctions will benefit a number of industries : Transportation, financial, energy, etc... ) No More Trade Restrictions except for some commodities like alcohol, tobacco etc... Large Scope of target industries and manufacturing Lack of Modern Equipment Long Years of inadequate investments Access to global money Transfer network of SWİFT ( International Payment System ) Energy Investments Project Management needs ( Industrial, petrochemical, etc... ) Market Situation Business Opportunities
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