Dubnik opal mines History Harlequin Something special Video Resources Content
Mines are located 35 km from Košice between villages Červenica and Zlatá baňa These opal mines are the oldest and largest opal mines in the world In the Prešov we have exhibition of opals and they are also inserted into the clock Slovak precious opal especially liked the family members of the Emperor Napoleon One more unique Dubnik Opal Mines
The beginnings of mining works can be classified in century or in some options of experts back to Roman times Since the beginning mining until 1922 it was in the area of opal mines punched by hand more than 30 tunnels with a total length of over 22 km Slovak opal mines until the discovery of opal deposits in Mexico and Australia in the 19th century were dragging a single location in the world History
The largest opal called Harlequin found in 1775 at the bottom of the stream in the village (Červenica). Its dimensions are honorable Harlequin
Currently, the flooded portion of the mine is Viliam You can dive here with the experts and look at things which normally human won´t see Altitude 594 m Water temperature 5 C all year round PH of water from 2.8 to 3.0 (acid!) Visibility theoretical 100 m Something special
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Thank you for your attention Renáta Gdovinová Simona Tereková II.D