Back to School Night Accelerated Math 7 Thank you for coming this evening! Colleen Mitchell Accelerated Math 7 Thank you for coming this evening! Colleen Mitchell
Become College and Career Ready with Common Core Mathematical Practices / Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. / Reason abstractly and quantitatively. / Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. / Model with Mathematics. / Use appropriate tools strategically. / Attend to precision. / Look for and make use of structure. / Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. / Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. / Reason abstractly and quantitatively. / Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. / Model with Mathematics. / Use appropriate tools strategically. / Attend to precision. / Look for and make use of structure. / Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Accelerated Math 7 Covers all of Math Grade 7 and the 1 st half of Math Grade 8.
Follows California Mathematics Standards Topics covered: › The Number System › Ratio and Proportional Relationships › Expressions and Equations › Geometry › Statistics and Probability › Linear Relationships and Equation Goal of our Math class: › solid foundation for all future math classes
What math class will my student be in next year? Integrated Math 1 The last half of Math 8 is incorporated into Integrated Math 1
Homework Homework is Monday – Friday Homework is typically out of the Accelerated Math 7 textbook. Sometimes it will be a worksheet. Homework is corrected at the beginning of the period. Keep corrected math homework in binder. After every test, homework should be kept at home. Need 2 sections/dividers in binder: Warm Ups/Class Notes Homework Please help your student keep their binder organized. 45 minute time limit at home.
Write homework assignment in Planner Warm Up – review of old topics Correct Homework - students correct their own homework. Questions about Homework - time when students are encouraged to ask question about the homework. Might be questions about problems they did not understand or got incorrect. Class Discussion and Activity– explore new topic Class Notes Start Homework - new homework assignment is started in class. Students are encouraged to scan the assignment for any problems that they might have questions about before the end of the period, so they can feel successful at home when finishing the assignment.
Grades SJUSD require that Math grades are calculated with 70% coming from Exams 70% Test & Quizzes 25% Homework 5% Group Work/ Participation Current grade updated frequently on Q parent connect and Q student connect websites.
So How do I pass my Math Class? Is there a secret? Do your homework every night! Study for tests and quizzes. Ask your teacher for help when you don’t understand what is being taught in class. Either ask questions in class, or…….
After School Math Help I offer extra Math help on Wednesdays after school from 2:45 – 3:30 Student tutors are available Wednesdays 2:45 – 3:30 starting September 14. Come with questions, ask for help with homework, or help getting ready for a test or quiz.
Requirements to go on to Integrated Math 1 next year Student must pass each quarter with a B- or better in order to automatically be recommended to move on to Integrated Math 1. Student with a combination of As, Bs, and Cs may receive a recommendation if they pass the Final Exam with 70% or higher. Earning Ds or Fs indicates that a student would benefit by repeating Math 7, Math 7XL, Math 8.
Tutorial Websites New textbook has an online component that offers extra help for students and parents. Go Math HMH website on student portal QR reader App. Scan the QR code in textbook.
Math Contest Team Tryouts are in late Sept./early Oct. Mr. Soesbe is the Coach Practices are on Fridays 2:45-4:45 Mrs. Locke in room F4 is the team coordinator (paperwork, registration, donations, etc.)
Contact Ms. Mitchell You will get a response back within 24 hours. Phone: ex.3911 (message only) Schoology: Daily homework is listed on a calendar. Current grade can be seen on Q parent connect website Can see grades on tests and quizzes Can see homework that has been completed Can see homework that is missing from an actual test. Too Funny!
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