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Megan Wise Third grade math
Meet Mrs. Wise Mrs. Wise grew up in Key West and moved back after college. Mrs. Wise grew up in Key West and moved back after college. This will be her 8 th year teaching and 5 th at Sigsbee. This will be her 8 th year teaching and 5 th at Sigsbee. Mrs. Wise previously taught 6th, 2 nd and 3 rd grades. Mrs. Wise previously taught 6th, 2 nd and 3 rd grades. Received a Bachelors Degree from Florida State University and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida. Received a Bachelors Degree from Florida State University and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida. She enjoys fishing with family and spending time on the water. She enjoys fishing with family and spending time on the water. My goal is to create a classroom environment that promotes meaningful learning through hands on experiences. My goal is to create a classroom environment that promotes meaningful learning through hands on experiences. I am looking forward to a year full of excitement and learning. I am looking forward to a year full of excitement and learning.
Meet Mrs. Thomas Master's in Elementary Education prek-6, Special Ed preK-12. Taught third grade for 3 years. I also have experience teaching kindergarten, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Author of Social Studies at Your Fingertips. I'm a mommy to a seven year old daughter, Aubrey. I'm a Navy wife of 14 years. I have an identical twin sister. My favorite hobbies include Real Estate Investing, creative writing, and spending time with my family Favorite place: Maine
Homework Homework is assigned every Friday and is due back to school the following Thursday. Homework is assigned every Friday and is due back to school the following Thursday. Homework generally consists of 2 math pages. Homework generally consists of 2 math pages. Optional Home Use: Optional Home Use: - IXL (Standards based concepts and skills) - IXL (Standards based concepts and skills)ixl.com - Xtra Math (xtramath.org) - Xtra Math (xtramath.org) Completed classwork and homework will go home on Friday in your child’s homework folder. Completed classwork and homework will go home on Friday in your child’s homework folder.
Important Information Bring a refillable water bottle to school. Bring a refillable water bottle to school. Please send in a snack with your child each day. Please send in a snack with your child each day. Birthdays can be celebrated at school with a healthy birthday snack for the class. (i.e. fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers) Birthdays can be celebrated at school with a healthy birthday snack for the class. (i.e. fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers) If sending in money with your child, please put it in a ziploc bag or envelope and write the child’s name, amount, and what it’s for. Paypal is also a great option! If sending in money with your child, please put it in a ziploc bag or envelope and write the child’s name, amount, and what it’s for. Paypal is also a great option!
Jupiter Grades Jupiter is used to take attendance each day along with sending s and discipline referrals to parents. Jupiter is used to take attendance each day along with sending s and discipline referrals to parents. Jupiter will be used to communicate homework, classwork, chapter reviews and assessments with students and parents. Jupiter will be used to communicate homework, classwork, chapter reviews and assessments with students and parents.
Dorado Schedule Dorado Schedule Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on PE days! Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on PE days! The Dorados go to P.E. on Mondays and Thursdays The Dorados go to P.E. on Mondays and Thursdays Our Library day is Wednesday. Please help your child return their library books to school each week. Our Library day is Wednesday. Please help your child return their library books to school each week. Our class goes to the Science Lab twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays Our class goes to the Science Lab twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays Computers and ipads are incorporated in the classroom this year. Computers and ipads are incorporated in the classroom this year.
Math Workshop Warm up ( about 10 minutes)- Get your brain ready for learning Warm up ( about 10 minutes)- Get your brain ready for learning Lesson( about 20 minutes)- Learn new concepts or review skills Lesson( about 20 minutes)- Learn new concepts or review skills Independent Work( about minutes)- Complete independently, in pairs or in groups Independent Work( about minutes)- Complete independently, in pairs or in groups Group Work ( about 4 minutes)- Share your thoughts, exit tickets Group Work ( about 4 minutes)- Share your thoughts, exit tickets
Math Curriculum Addition & Subtraction within 1,000 Addition & Subtraction within 1,000 Represent & Interpret Data Represent & Interpret Data Understand Multiplication & Division Understand Multiplication & Division Use Multiplication & Division Facts and Strategies Use Multiplication & Division Facts and Strategies Understand and Compare Fractions Understand and Compare Fractions Measuring Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass Measuring Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass Measuring Perimeter and Area Measuring Perimeter and Area Geometry & Two-Dimensional Shapes Geometry & Two-Dimensional Shapes
Mathematical Practices 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Science Science Units of Study: Science Units of Study: Inquiry & tools/Crustaceans (first 3 weeks) Inquiry & tools/Crustaceans (first 3 weeks) Study of Universe (October) Study of Universe (October) Study of Earth (January) Study of Earth (January) Study of Sea (late March/early April) Study of Sea (late March/early April) Simple Machines (April- May) Simple Machines (April- May)
Assessments Report card will be given twice during the school year Report card will be given twice during the school year GO Math chapter assessments/ mid chapter checkpoint GO Math chapter assessments/ mid chapter checkpoint Student assessments will include a pre- requisite, beginning of year, middle of year, end of year Student assessments will include a pre- requisite, beginning of year, middle of year, end of year Fall conferences will be held in the middle of October. OctoberJanuaryAprilJune ConferenceReport cardConferenceReport card
Florida Standards Assessment
FSA: Florida Standards Assessment Third graders take a Math FSA and Reading (ELA) FSA. Third graders take a Math FSA and Reading (ELA) FSA. Testing Window: Testing Window: ELA-March 27th-April 7 th, 2017 ( paper based) Math- April 10th-May 12th, 2017 ( computer based)
Third Grade Promotion The guidelines for promotion and graduation will remain largely the same. Students entering 3 rd grade in , who have only been taught using the Florida Standards since kindergarten, will be required to achieve a certain score on the 3 rd grade ELA assessment in order to meet promotion requirements. The score will be determined in the spring, ensuring that students are appropriately identified for retention or promotion. Students not meeting these criteria may still meet promotion requirements through any one of six good cause exemptions. None of that has changed. The guidelines for promotion and graduation will remain largely the same. Students entering 3 rd grade in , who have only been taught using the Florida Standards since kindergarten, will be required to achieve a certain score on the 3 rd grade ELA assessment in order to meet promotion requirements. The score will be determined in the spring, ensuring that students are appropriately identified for retention or promotion. Students not meeting these criteria may still meet promotion requirements through any one of six good cause exemptions. None of that has changed.
How can you support your child at home? Quiz your child nightly on their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts! Quiz your child nightly on their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts! Make homework a priority! Make homework a priority! When helping your child with homework, ask your child to explain how they got to their conclusion. When helping your child with homework, ask your child to explain how they got to their conclusion. Use dice to practice math facts. Use dice to practice math facts. Point out ways math is part of everyday. Point out ways math is part of everyday. Encourage your child to graph or track scores for a favorite sports team. Encourage your child to graph or track scores for a favorite sports team.
More ways to help at home Set routines for doing homework. Set routines for doing homework. Encourage the process- not just quick, correct answers. Encourage the process- not just quick, correct answers. Compliment your child for struggling through a math problem- it is brain training! Compliment your child for struggling through a math problem- it is brain training! Focus on perseverance. Focus on perseverance. Encourage your child to go on xtramath and IXL at home. Encourage your child to go on xtramath and IXL at home.
Volunteer Opportunities Field trip chaperones Field trip chaperones Making copies/ Homework Making copies/ Homework Amazon wish list Amazon wish list I will be sending out a class sign up sheet as needed I will be sending out a class sign up sheet as needed
Questions? Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! I look forward to being apart of your child’s educational journey. I look forward to being apart of your child’s educational journey.