By Ms. Escalante
Muhammad the Prophet At 40 years old Muhammad, was visited by the angel Gabriel. The angel told him that he would be the messenger of god. Muhammad then became a prophet preaching that there is no God But Allah.
Muhammad Begins Preaching Muhammad at little success at first. He in 622 AD Muhammad fled to Yathrib later called Medina. This migration was called the Hijrah. Medina means the city of the prophet. Muhammad won many converts.
Muhammad’s Leadership In 630, Muhammad and 10,000 Muhammad’s followers return to Mecca. Muhammad forced Mecca to surrender. Muhammad forgave the Meccans and went to the Ka’aba. He dedicated the shrine to Allah.
Muhammad Death Muhammad was a religious leader but also a political and military leader. Muhammad ruled over Medina and by the time of his death in 632AD, he unified much of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam. Muhammad ruled for over 20 years and now a successor needed to be chosen.
After Muhammad’s Death Muhammad had not named a successor or instructed how to choose a leader after his death. Panic spread throughout the Muslim community. Muhammad’s father in law and friend, Abu Bakr was a respected for his devotion to Muhammad and was chosen as a Muhammad’s successor.
Abu Bakr In 632, Abu Bakr became the first caliph. He promised muslims that he would closely follow Muhammad’s example. Some clans abandoned Islam and refused to follow Abu Bakr and refused to pay taxes. During his two years as leader he used military force to unite the muslim community.
Abu Bakr’s Leadership Abu Bakr brought central Arabia under Muslim control and conquered land including Iraq and Syria. He ordered that all the teachings of Muhammad should be recorded into a single work, or book which became known as the Holy Qur’an. The Sunnah is another holy book which are Muhammad’s guides to a proper living.
The First Four Caliphs The next three caliphs were Umar, Uthman, and Ali. The first four caliphs used the Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions to guide them. The caliphs called themselves the “rightly guided caliphs” This rule was called the caliphate.
Muslim Empire Expands The first four caliphs expanded the empire nearly four times its original size. Many people converted to Islam because of its idea of equality and hope for salvation. There was also an economic benefit that no Muslim paid certain taxes.
Umayyad's Seize Power In 656, a group of rebels opposed the leadership of Uthman and murdered him. Uthman’s murder started a civil war. Muhammad’s cousin Ali, was next to succeed but was assassinated. A family known as the Umayyad's took power and set up a hereditary dynasty. This meant rulers would come from the family.
The Umayyads moved the capital from Medina to Demascus. Some people thought the Umayyad’s had abandoned the bedoin way of life established by Muhammad and surrounded themselves with luxury. Muslims were divided into two groups: Shi’a and Sunnis The Shi’a believed that the caliph should be a relative of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunnis were those who did not resist the Umayyad’s and accepted the rule of the elected caliphs. This split caused the Umayyad caliphate to collapse. Muslim Community Splits