Origins Founded in 622 CE Founder was Muhammad Began with Muhammad’s “Night Journey” – Occurred at the Foundation Stone on Mt. Moriah. Current site of the Dome of the Rock.
History When Muhammad died in 632 CE, two factions of Islam arose: Shi’a and Sunni.
History Shi’a Islam (Shiites) – Believe Muhammad named his cousin Ali as successor. – Muhammad’s family has sole claim to leadership. – Rely on teachings of Muhammad’s descendents.
History Sunni Islam (Sunnis) – Do not believe Muhammad named a successor. – Prophet’s companions (Caliphates) have authority. – Rely on teachings of religious scholars.
God(s) Monotheistic God = “Allah” Prophet = Muhammad
Religious Practices and Beliefs Allah created everything in six days. Mecca was birthplace of Muhammad Muhammad’s message is Allah’s final revelation to humanity. Recognize Jesus as a prophet; not the Son of God. “Jihad” – Holy War.
Afterlife Believe in “Judgment Day”. Believe in physical Heaven and Hell. Your destination depends on how well you treated others.
Religious Text Quran (or Koran) – “Quran” means “recitation”.
Other Important Facts Shari’a Law – moral code and religious law of Islam. – Shari’a means “path” or “way”.
Shari’a Law - Laws Marriage – Men can marry up to 4 women, but only if they are treated equally. – Women may not marry without the permission of her guardian. – Women may only marry 1 man.
Shari’a Law - Laws Divorce – Women must receive permission from husband for divorce. – Men may divorce freely. For men, divorce is achieved when the husband tells his wife he is divorcing her.
Shari’a Law - Penalties Theft = amputation of hands/feet. Adultery = death by stoning (if married). 100 lashes (if unmarried).
Shari’a Law – Other Laws Dancing and any other form of “fun” entertainment are forbidden. Music is forbidden.
5 Pillars of Islam
“Faith” (Shahada) – Expresses 2 fundamental beliefs: 1-There is no god but God. 2-Muhammad is God’s prophet.
5 Pillars of Islam “Charity” (Zakaat) Giving to the poor or needy. Muslims are required to pay 2.5% of their yearly wealth.
5 Pillars of Islam “Fasting” (Sawm) – Muslims stay away from food, drink, gambling, and all other pleasurable activities from sun up to sun down. – Mainly practiced during Ramadan.
5 Pillars of Islam “Prayer” (Salaah) – Muslims must pray 5 times per day in the direction of Mecca.
5 Pillars of Islam “Pilgrimage” (Hajj) – If possibly, Muslims are encouraged to make one trip to Mecca.