5.8 Christian Groups
Eastern Schism Emperor Constantine shifted capital city, dividing Roman Empire. Emperor Constantine shifted capital city, dividing Roman Empire. Rome (west), Constantinople (east). Rome (west), Constantinople (east). West: influence of Roman patriarch “pope” increased. West: influence of Roman patriarch “pope” increased. Western Church believed both Father and Son sent forth Holy Spirit. Western Church believed both Father and Son sent forth Holy Spirit. Eastern Church believed power of Holy Spirit came only from God the Father. Eastern Church believed power of Holy Spirit came only from God the Father CE, pope in Rome and patriarch in Constantinople expelled one another CE, pope in Rome and patriarch in Constantinople expelled one another.
Eastern Schism Schism/break split the Church into two branches: Eastern Orthodox and Western Church (with pope in Rome). Schism/break split the Church into two branches: Eastern Orthodox and Western Church (with pope in Rome). Eastern Orthodox rejected authority of pope. Eastern Orthodox rejected authority of pope. Spread faith in Eastern Europe and Russia. Spread faith in Eastern Europe and Russia. Today, predominately in Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Today, predominately in Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania.
Several sects developed in Orthodox Church, disagreeing that Jesus Christ was both true God and true man. Several sects developed in Orthodox Church, disagreeing that Jesus Christ was both true God and true man. Including: Eastern Syrian Church (Iraq, Middle East) Including: Eastern Syrian Church (Iraq, Middle East) Chaldean Church (Iraq, Iran) Chaldean Church (Iraq, Iran) West Syrian Church (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq) West Syrian Church (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq) Armenian Church (Middle East) Armenian Church (Middle East) Coptic Church (Egypt) Coptic Church (Egypt) Ethiopian Church (Ethiopia) Ethiopian Church (Ethiopia)
Roman Catholic 1095 CE, Pope Urban II proclaimed expedition to reclaim Jerusalem and Holy Land from Muslim rule CE, Pope Urban II proclaimed expedition to reclaim Jerusalem and Holy Land from Muslim rule. Began the Crusades, “holy war” that lasted over a century! Began the Crusades, “holy war” that lasted over a century! Five “waves” of crusaders, captured Eastern Orthodox capital of Constantinople. Five “waves” of crusaders, captured Eastern Orthodox capital of Constantinople. Crusades unified Europe. Crusades unified Europe.
Protestant Reformation 2 nd great division in Church. 2 nd great division in Church. During Renaissance. During Renaissance CE, German monk Martin Luther challenged many medieval practices of Church CE, German monk Martin Luther challenged many medieval practices of Church. Called for simpler inner faith, stop to indulgences (pay Church to go to heaven). Called for simpler inner faith, stop to indulgences (pay Church to go to heaven). Excommunicated and Protestant Reformation began. Excommunicated and Protestant Reformation began.
Protestant Reformation Created Lutheran Church. Created Lutheran Church. Focused on God’s forgiving love and consider Bible the sole guide to religious truth. Focused on God’s forgiving love and consider Bible the sole guide to religious truth. Two sacraments: baptism and Communion (bread and wine = symbols of Christ). Two sacraments: baptism and Communion (bread and wine = symbols of Christ).
Calvinist Churches Mid 16 th century, John Calvin (Swiss). Mid 16 th century, John Calvin (Swiss). Believe in absolute sovereignty of God. Believe in absolute sovereignty of God. John Knox carried ideas to Scotland, founded Presbyterian Church. John Knox carried ideas to Scotland, founded Presbyterian Church. Today, 100 different Calvinist denominations belong to Reform Churches. Today, 100 different Calvinist denominations belong to Reform Churches.
Calvinist Churches Stresses purification from sin through obedience of Ten Commandments. Stresses purification from sin through obedience of Ten Commandments. All human actions are under scrutiny of God. All human actions are under scrutiny of God. Relatively free of ritual, focus on singing hymns and preaching. Relatively free of ritual, focus on singing hymns and preaching. Communion = symbolic and baptism is only other sacrament. Communion = symbolic and baptism is only other sacrament.
Anglican Churches Church of England. Church of England. Politically motivated. Politically motivated. King Henry VIII wanted marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled. King Henry VIII wanted marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled. Catholic Church would not comply. Catholic Church would not comply. Had Archbishop of Canterbury annul marriage and passed Act of Supremacy. Had Archbishop of Canterbury annul marriage and passed Act of Supremacy. Made monarch head of Church of England. Made monarch head of Church of England.
Anglican Churches No longer recognized legitimacy of pope. No longer recognized legitimacy of pope. Ordered translation of Bible and worship services in English (before they were in Latin). Ordered translation of Bible and worship services in English (before they were in Latin). Do not accept doctrine of transubstantiation. Do not accept doctrine of transubstantiation.
Baptist Churches 16 th century Protestantism. 16 th century Protestantism. Believe that becoming a Christian should be a mature, informed decision, not birthright. Believe that becoming a Christian should be a mature, informed decision, not birthright. Baptism occurs during adulthood and includes sacrament of communion. Baptism occurs during adulthood and includes sacrament of communion.
Mormons 1820s, American Joseph Smith had visions from God, Jesus, and angel called Moroni. 1820s, American Joseph Smith had visions from God, Jesus, and angel called Moroni. Claims he was given Book of Mormon to translate. Claims he was given Book of Mormon to translate. Became known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Became known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormons Under leadership of Brigham Young, established Salt Lake City in Utah. Under leadership of Brigham Young, established Salt Lake City in Utah. Do not recognize original sin. Do not recognize original sin. Baptism serves to receive new members into Church. Baptism serves to receive new members into Church. Believe a person’s spirit remains on earth after death. Believe a person’s spirit remains on earth after death
Jehovah’s Witness Began in United States Began in United States Obey the call to “witness the faith,” spreading the good news of the kingdom of God. Obey the call to “witness the faith,” spreading the good news of the kingdom of God. Reject Holy Trinity. Reject Holy Trinity. Interpret Bible in literal detail. Interpret Bible in literal detail. Opposed to blood transfusions, forbidden by God to take blood of another into one’s body. Opposed to blood transfusions, forbidden by God to take blood of another into one’s body.