IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Report to SSCS Adcom Bryan Ackland 8/12/13
Members of CEDA Societies APS CAS CS EDS SSCS MTT Tech. Member Org. DAC ICCAD DATE T-CAD ESL D&T CANDE DATC SSCS Reps to CDA BOG: Bryan Ackland & Vivek Tiwari DTC TTC
CEDA Highlights (1) Conferences & Workshops –DAC 2013 in Austin (June) was 50 th anniversary –6 Keynotes spread across conference calendar –1590 (full registration) 2360 (exhibit only) –Many special events including anniversary banquet including presentation of over 250 awards to those who had contributed over the years Strategy Committee –Formed to develop long term plan and coordinate activities of various committees –June BoG meeting devoted to long term strategy brainstorming –Hardware EDA industry is mature and consolidating –Need to look for growth and emerging areas –Embedded Systems is a large growing community mainly served by conferences & trade shows outside IEEE –Explore joint sponsorship in theses areas Embedded Systems Week grow to 25%
CEDA Highlights (2) Financial –Surplus of $167k at end of 2012 ($90k reinvested including $30k for web improvements) –Reserves of $1,136k at end of 2012 ( meeting goal of achieving $1M by 2015 goal). –2014 plan is breakeven – will use $30k reserve to seed new outreach Publications –Trans. on CAD generates significant income ($170k) - 35% acceptance rate – submission to publication ~ 11 months –Embedded System Letters in financial surplus – looking to grow readership –D&T continues to show net expense – control page budget and generate advertising Awards –2013 Newton Award: Keith Nabors and Jacob White for “FastCap: a multipole accelerated 3-D capacitance extraction program". IEEE TCAD Nov –2013 Kauffman Award: Chenming Hu, contributions in device physics, device modeling, and device reliability (BSIM and BERT models).