Recognize and show that equivalent fractions have the same size, though not necessarily the same shape. MODULE 5 LESSON 20
SKIP COUNT! Skip Count By 7s To 70 … x 7 = ______ 3 x 7 = ______ x 7 = ______ 63
Multiply by 7 Pattern Sheet 2 minutes End
Application Problem Max at 2/3 of his pizza for lunch. He wanted to eat a small snack in the afternoon, so he cut the leftover pizza in half and ate one slice. How much of the pizza was left? Draw a picture to help you think about the amount of pizza left. Snack ⅙ 1/6 of the pizza is left.
Concept Development The whole is all of the cubes. Whisper to your partner the fraction of the cubes that are blue.
Concept Development The whole is all of the cubes. Whisper to your partner the fraction of the cubes that are blue.
Concept Development Is the fraction of cubes that are blue equal, even though one model is a square and one is a rectangle? Both have the same number of cubes. Both have the same amount of red and blue cubes. Both have the same number of units. Both units are the same size. ¼ = ¼! The models are equivalent! ¼ = ¼! The models are equivalent!
Equivalent Collage We are going to make a collage using equivalent fractions. Listen for ALL the instructions before you begin. You will need your math notebook, a thirds template (which I will pass out), a red crayon, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors. Follow these instructions to make your collage: Use your crayon to color the white third of the template red. Cut out each rectangle so that you have three smaller rectangles: Two gray and one red. Cut EACH rectangle into two, three, or four smaller shapes. Reassemble all of the pieces into a new shape. The pieces must touch but should NOT overlap. Glue the new shape into a blank page in your math notebook. You have 10 minutes to complete the collage
Equivalent Collage Examples Do these examples show equivalent fractions? Yes. Because each collage is made up of identical pieces that are 1/3 red and 2/3 gray. Do your collages show equivalent fractions also? Yes! Ours are made up of 1/3 red and 2/3 gray pieces, too!
Problem Set