The Ending to The Book Thief: Parts 1-7 “The years later On” Parmanand Jodhan English 10 Honors Due Friday March 15,2013 Slide 1 The Ending to The Book Thief: Parts 1-7 “The years later On”
Part1: The Relaxation Liesel is still hurting emotional for what happened on Himmel street. She takes many years off to rejuvenate her system and cope her feelings. She tries to make friends and try not to bring back any memories. Liesel tries to find her self again; mainly buy reading books. She read hundreds of books/novels. From when she was a teen that’s how she dealt with things. Liesel finds a job at a local library not to far form Molching, Germany. On the job she would usually sneak a couple of hundred pages in a work shift. Read was still her happiness in life. Throughout the years reading helped her feel better and made her comfortable enough to continue her life. Slide 2
Part2:The Dream Her ultimate goal was to save up enough money to put herself through collage. Liesel wanted to become a writer and publish the book that she started from Ilsa Herman. Liesel wrote a autobiography called The Book Thief. Liesel would go home after a busy day from the Library where she worked and help many young people read. She would write for hours making sure her stories were more than perfect. She wanted it to be the number one best seller. Liesel knew one day she would make her dreams come true. Slide 3 Liesel Memingmer
Part3:A dream Come True ● Liesel’s book The Book Thief sold to millions. From all the hard work she put in to the book it finally paid off. She won the golden globe award for number one selling book in the world. Her most proud accomplishment throughout her life. Liesel made a ton of money and decide to buy a house in Australia. She decided to move there because she wanted to get away from that horrible place of Germany. Moving there was like almost starting a new life for the third time. She wanted to forget what her tough losses that happened many years ago. But there was one person who was still around. Slide 4
Part3: Brother Ever since Liesel and Max reunited at Alex’s shop they been closer than ever. After Liesel moved to Australia, she realized she had no friends nor family. And all she could think about was Max. Also she really missed him and so she wanted him to come live with her once again. She called him one the phone and asked and of course he said yea. Then he asked “Will I be living in the basement?” laughter struck out and they both giggled. Liesel instantly became happy with her even more than ever. Slide 5
Part4: The Marriage & Children ● Liesel always wanted to have kids. She met a man in Australia by the name of Alexander Boozer. Alex was a US born and her and Liesel had many things in common. Liesel and Alexander had a huge wedding on a beach when she was 34. Her and max live and get to know each other for 2 more years and decide they were ready to have children. Liesel is pregnant and with twins and his over excited. They both were boys and she decides to name them Max and Rudy. She is very happy with the way life is turning out and wants to give her children the life she never had. Slide 6
● Liesel had realized that the anniversary of the bombing on Himmel street is coming up. So she decides that she wants to go back to Himmel street to visit. She takes Max and her family back to Auschwitz, Germany for the first time in many years. As she is returning she remembers her arrival on the first day with her new family the Hubermans. Liesel, Max, and family stay there for the whole day; telling stories and all the good time they had. At many points Liesel and Max would cry in sadness and loosing their loved ones. That was when they both realized how they both were extremely lucky to have survived. Slide 7 Part5: The Visit
● Max has been ill from brain cancer. Doctors say there is a strong chance he will not live. When Liesel hears she faints and does not wake up for hours. During her sleep it seems as if Max does really die from cancer. Liesel cannot think this is real. When she finally wakes up and see Max she gets up in quick time and hugs him. At that moment she was relived. She say “what would I do if you were gone, your all that I have left”. (Keep in mind that Max is still fighting cancer) Max looks up and tells Liesel “I love you” then his eyes shut and heart stop beating. Slide 8 Part6:Max is Dead
● All she could think about was his last word. Did he really mean what he said? Then she begin to think and think. All she wanted was the answer to that question. There was only one way she could find out...ask him herself. Liesel went to the grave yard where he was buried and brought a could of tools. She dug him out the coffin and look into this deposed eyes. She asked him, and that was when she realized she loved him too. Liesel took a knife that she bought and stabbed her self repeatedly in the chest. She wanted to be with him and her family form Himmel street once again. Slide 9 Part7:Thoughts
● My events stay true to Zusak’s message because powers of words are still a big part of Liesel’s life. In the book Liesel was developing the power of words, because of her curiosity for words she continued her education and carried on her imagination. As child she loved reading books now she still does but she also writes. Slide 10 Summary