CS120-Unit Two Learning Styles, Stress & Time Management “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Confucius “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Confucius
Tonight’s Agenda - Learning Styles –Stress Management –Time Management –Procrastination –Unit 2 Assignments
What is Your Learning Style? Learning styles refer to the ways you prefer to approach new information. Each of us learns and processes information in our own special ways. Knowing your own style also can help you to realize that other people may approach the same situation in a different way from your own.
There is a Multitude of Learning Modalities Active Reflective Sensing Intuitive Visual Verbal Sequential Global Enjoys groups Works alone Hands on, detailed Connects dots easily Learns by seeing Learns by words Linear presentations See the big picture
Dominant Learning Styles Visual Learners = Need to see Auditory Learners = Need to hear Tactile/kinesthetic Learners = Touch Take the Learning Assessment review rningstyle.htmlhttp://agelesslearner.com/assess/lea rningstyle.html
Tips for Visual Learners If your dominant style is visual, draw pictures in the margins, look at the graphics, and read the text that explains the graphics. Envision the topic or play a movie in your thoughts of how you’ll act out the subject matter.
Tips for Auditory Learners If your primary learning style is auditory, listen to the words that you read. Try to develop an internal conversation between yourself and the text. Don’t be embarrassed to read aloud or talk through the information.
Tips for Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners If your primary learning style is tactile/kinesthetic, use a pencil or highlighter pen to mark passages that are meaningful. Take notes, transferring the information you learn to the margins of the book, into your journal, or onto a computer. Doodle whatever comes to mind as you read. Hold the book in your hands instead of placing it on a table. Walk around as you read. Feel the words and ideas. Get busy—both mentally and physically.
Stress: Women Facts: Twice as likely to suffer from depression. 1 in 5 suffer from stress related depression. 15% will suffer from severe depression.
Stress: Men Facts: Men are more likely to commit suicide. Men become severely depressed within 6 months of unemployment. High risk of cardiovascular problems.
Two Types of Stress Eustress Feeling happy Feeling motivated After exercise Positive energy Distress Feeling angry Feeling unhappy Feeling frustrated Negative energy
What is Stressing You Out? Job Family demands School assignments Your spouse Your boss Your friends Lack of time in the day Traffic
Stress Management As you know, stress is our body’s reaction to pressure. You can view stress in a positive and in a negative way. How do you see stress? How do you currently manage your stress?
The Basics of Managing Your Stress Identify your stressors. Become a time management expert. Pay attention to your health. Learn to relax: Exercise or Walk Find a few tips that work for you. Spend time alone.
Stress Management Tips! Find a balance in your life. Write down what needs to be done. Don’t be a perfectionist. Give yourself broken down tasks, due dates and follow up. Learn to delegate. Don’t forget to say “no” not right now.
Think in Terms of Time Think about what needs to get done first, second, third. What can wait until later? How can you break down a task?
Put Stress into Check and Learn to Manage Your Time The key to time management is getting organized. Keep a notebook and calendar near your computer. Write down assignments. Keep a daily to do list.
Effective Time Managers Schedule fun times with family and friends. Learn how to say “no.” Use unexpected gifts of time. Again, keep To Do Lists (daily, weekly, monthly) ewHTE_05.htmhttp:// ewHTE_05.htm
What do you do? How do you stay organized? What can you do better to manage your stress and your time? How will avoiding procrastination help you succeed in college?
A Look at Procrastination We all procrastinate. The fact that you procrastinate does not mean that you are lazy. This is a learned habit. We must explore a few reasons for procrastination.
Some Reasons Why We Procrastinate Fear of failure- Underlining feeling. Perfectionist-Trying to be perfect. We are too busy – Poor time management.
Avoiding Procrastination Create a positive work environment. Challenge your myths. Break down the tasks. Start early. Again, learn to ask for help. Good link to read: ndouts/procrastination.htmlhttp:// ndouts/procrastination.html
The Case of Brent Brent works full-time. He has just returned to college after taking a break. Brent currently works 8-10 hour days, and he is actively involved in his children’s extracurricular activities. Brent often has to struggle to find time to complete his schoolwork because he waits until the last minute. He feels as if his degree pursuit has been pushed back to last place on his list of priorities. About halfway through the first quarter, Brent realizes that his hectic schedule is taking its toll. He feels overwhelmed, has frequent headaches, and has become irritable. Brent wants to achieve his degree. However, he wonders how he can accomplish this, along with his other responsibilities. As a result, Brent is considering dropping his classes for next term, and he is back to square one.
Points to Ponder??? Do you think Brent thought critically about the amount of time he had for his responsibilities before he made the decision to return to school? What long-term effects might Brent experience if he does not learn how to cope with the stressors in his life? How can Brent avoid waiting until the last minute to complete his tasks?
Unit 2Assignments Seminar Option 1 is now finished. Don’t forget the Unit Two Quiz. DB Questions – Answer all 3 separate questions with detailed content (8-10 sentences or words per question).
Discussion Board Topics 1. What are the greatest challenges you face in meeting the demands on your time? Create a "to-do" list that includes 3-5 tasks (these tasks can be professional, educational, or personal activities). Please list these tasks in order from most important to least important and share your list here. 2. What is your learning style? How will an understanding of your learning style help you manage your time in an online educational setting? 3. Now, as you think about your future role in psychology, will time management and stress management be more of a challenge because it is hard to leave this kind of work at the office? Why or why not?
Remember! "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." Vincent Van Gogh