Welcome to 1 st Grade Dear Families, I hope that you are finding some time to savor these summer months! The first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 24 th. I am looking forward to sharing this first grade year with you and your child. Following are a few general notes about the school year to get us started. More detailed information will be sent home the first day of school for you to read, complete, and return. School Lunch: We’ll be using the same PIN number in the cafeteria that your child used last year when he/she bought a lunch at school (or when registering as a new student in the office.) If there was money left in your account in June, it should still be there. You may check this using the school website. The price of lunch is now $2.20. The price of a school breakfast is $1.45. A school lunch menu will be included in your child’s Homework Folder the first day of school. The local paper or our Greenwood School District website (greenwoodsd.org) may also list the lunch menu prior to the beginning of school. Supplies: Please try to send the following supplies: 1. Return the decorated fish for the first day of school (mentioned in your child’s letter) 2. One double-pocket folder to serve as your child’s Homework Folder. We have extra if you cannot send one. Many students like to pick their own folders! I do have labels to put on the folders. I will check the folder daily for any notes, lunch money, or papers from you. 3. A paint shirt (art smock) for art class. (A larger, old t-shirt works well.) 4. A pencil box. We supply pencils, glue sticks, erasers, crayons, scissors) Helpful Hint: Please write your child’s name on all items brought to school such as their backpack, coat, lunchbox, or any similar item they bring to school. This is a great help when trying to find lost items.
Dismissal: If your child is to go home a different way than the bus or regular dismissal procedure listed with the school, please send in a note with your first grader explaining this change-even on the first day of school. This will help us prevent any confusion at the end of the day. Parent Communication: I strongly believe that there always needs to be an open line of communication between parents and teachers. It is important for families to know what is happening in the classroom. A weekly newsletter will be sent home on Fridays explaining everything that we did in class that week and list important upcoming events. I also use Remind to keep parents up-to-date on classroom events and reminders. Please review the attached information sheet and sign up to receive text messages. First grade is indeed a fun, but new adventure! We can all handle new experiences when we are well rested. If you are the family of a “summertime night owl”, please try to gradually push your first grader’s bedtime back to an earlier time before school begins. This is often difficult when there are soccer games, vacations, and so many fun things to do outside on a warm summer evening, I know! Many six and seven year olds often need at least 10 hours of sleep a night to feel their best. The night before school starts, those back-to-school jitters are normal and he/she may not be able to fall asleep quickly. We’ll be starting school with a three day week, but no nap time. By Friday, we may all be a little tired. Thank you for your help! Mark Your Calendars: Back-To-School Night is on Tuesday, August 30 th at 7:00 pm. This is a special, informal time for families to visit the school with their children and meet the teachers. It will also be your chance to sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences in November. All are welcome to attend (parents, grandparents, students, and siblings)! We’re off to a great new year! Thank you for your help and enjoy the rest of the summer! Sincerely, Mrs. Lisa Anstine , ext 1510