Understanding the ARMM Pre-Application for CoC Funding Planning and Community Development May 18, 2010 ARMM meeting
2010 CoC Application Overview The 2010 Continuum of Care (CoC) pre- application is due June 4 th. ARMM is entitled to apply for $220,416 for renewal or new projects. This is our “pro rata” or “fair share”.
Renewal vs. New Projects We must decide: – To only renew existing projects with our pro rata. – To only submit a new project for our pro rata amount – To submit BOTH the renewal projects AND a new project
Option #1 If we submit only the two renewals, they are guaranteed funding as long as the projects are meeting HUD’s performance and contract standards. These renewals would be one-year renewals and would be up for renewal for the same amount again next year.
Option #2 If we don’t renew the existing transitional grant, we can use our pro rata to apply for S+C housing vouchers. If our application meets the threshold, we would be guaranteed to be included in the final application, but funding is dependent on the entire CoC application.
Option # 3 We can choose to put in pre-applications for more than our pro-rata share. If funding is left on the table by other communities, we may be able to submit both the transitional renewal and the new S+C project. If there is not enough funding, ARMM will have to decide which project is our priority.
S+C Partners: Lead Agency The lead agency submits the application. Sandhills Community Action Program was the lead agency for ARMM in Applications are funded via monthly reimbursement. The lead agency must have significant financial resources in order to cover the cost of the project for one month. In North Carolina, LME’s (like Sandhills Center, LME) often assume this role.
S+C Partners: Lead Agency Lead agencies on an application must have: – A recent audit – Operating policies and procedures – Conflict of interest policies and all other policies required of those receiving federal contracts
S+C Partners: Lead Agency Lead agencies must pay a $225 annual user license agreement in order to enter data into HMIS. Service agencies lacking this license will not be eligible to receive funding. ARMM members will submit their counts of homeless to the lead agency to enter into HMIS.
S+C Partners: Administration The CoC grants need to be administered. Administration often includes filing, paperwork, ensuring compliance, and certifying the capacity of service organizations to fulfill the project terms. Lead agencies can be the administrator OR this role could be assumed by a local government, public housing authority, or under contract with a nonprofit.
Partners: Administration A small amount of funding (8% of the total grant award) is available for administration and is spread over the life of the grant. S+C grants, for instance, last for five years. Ideally, the administrator should have some experience filing reports with federal agencies.
S+C Partners: Service Agencies Service agencies provide support services and/or housing to homeless populations The benefit received by a service agency for participating in ARMM is access to housing resources for their clients. Our CoC application will need to know what agencies may refer homeless persons for vouchers AND what agencies may provide services to these homeless persons.
2010 Application – Eligible Renewals SCAP has two projects that are up for renewal this year: – Transitional Housing Project – Shelter Plus Care: 1 unit (does not affect other funding) The transitional housing project uses all the pro rata funding ($220,416)
2010 Application – The Renewal The existing renewal application allows SCAP to run a transitional housing program and the S+C pays for rent for one chronically homeless person. Wrote SCAP (Subrina Hough & Nina Walker) on 4/30 and 5/08 for details on how clients of ARMM members may access this transitional housing but received no reply.
2010 Application – The Renewal The pro rata amount ($220,416) may be applied to any project deemed by ARMM to be appropriate. ARMM’s 2010 CoC application can include a renewal and/or a new project application.
2010 Application – New Projects Unlike renewal funding, new project funding is not guaranteed. It is possible for ARMM to get more than our pro rata if other Balance of State groups (like ARMM) do not use their full “pro rata” share. ARMM competes for new project funding against every application for new projects statewide.
2010 Application – New Projects One idea for new project funding for ARMM is housing vouchers under the Shelter Plus Care Program. S+C Vouchers pay monthly rent for homeless persons with a disability at a “Fair Market Rate.” The lead agency will set up a referral process and share that process with ARMM members. Lead agency will screen clients and ensure they are receiving appropriate services.
2010 Application – New Projects Funding for S+C vouchers cover five year periods. After five years, the grant may be renewed on a one year basis. When the grant renews, it renews outside of pro rata, so it does not affect what else we can apply for that year.
Project Comparison YearTransitional Housing*Vouchers** rooms6 apartments rooms12 apartments rooms18 apartments rooms24 apartments rooms30 apartments
More on Vouchers An organization may refer a client to the lead agency for a voucher. The lead agency determines eligibility (in part, whether that client is receiving support services), ensures the client is linked into a set of support services. Works with the client to ensure they find safe, suitable housing. Client is housed for up to five years depending on their continued ability to meet eligibility.
Putting it All Together Project applicants must complete pre-applications for renewals and/or new projects by June 4th. IF we decide to submit a renewal AND a new application then ARMM must create a review team and have the review team rate these applications Pre-Applications must be submitted to the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness by June 4th.
Any Questions As a group we have two important decisions to make – what sort of an application will we submit AND who will be the lead (application) agency? If we get vouchers then we will do extensive education in who qualifies and how that process works.
Decision #1 What sort of application do we want? – New application (not guaranteed) – Renewal application (guaranteed) – Both new and renewal application
Decision #2 Who do we want as a lead agency? – Sandhills Community Action Program – Sandhills LME
Thank you! This is the first step in a long process, thank you for your patience!