Cwm Taf University Health Board trends in routine childhood immunisations Quarter 3 Source: Public Health Wales quarterly COVER reports, correct as at December 2014 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme
Cwm Taf University Health Board routine childhood immunisations Summary Quarter 3 Source: Public Health Wales quarterly COVER reports, correct as at December 2014 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme
Merthyr Tydfil LA trends in routine childhood immunisations Quarter 3 Source: Public Health Wales quarterly COVER reports, correct as at December 2014 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme Cwm Taf Health Board has informed Public Health Wales of a technical issue affecting MMR coding in the local child heath database for Merthyr Tydfil resident children. As a result of this, the actual numbers of children resident in Merthyr Tydfil LA who have received MMR vaccine by their second birthday, for quarter four 2012 and quarter one 2013, is likely to be higher than the figure presented here. Subsequent analyses carried out by Cwm Taf Health Board suggest that actual coverage for children reaching their second birthday this quarter exceeded 95%. This technical issue has now been resolved.
Rhondda Cynon Taf LA trends in routine childhood immunisations Quarter 3 Source: Public Health Wales quarterly COVER reports, correct as at December 2014 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme
Annual uptake of first dose of MMR, Cwm Taf University Health Board / Bro Taf area, (April – March years) Source: Public Health Wales quarterly COVER reports, correct as at June 2014 Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme