Community Week: OpenSUSE Weekly News Presentation: Sascha Manns Title: What's behind Weekly News? Member of OpenSUSE Marketing Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Week: OpenSUSE Weekly News Presentation: Sascha Manns Title: What's behind Weekly News? Member of OpenSUSE Marketing Team

© 9/28/2016 Novell Inc. 2 Index Welcome to our short Introduction. You'll find these Topics in the Presentation: What are the openSUSE Weekly News? What are our sources? How are the Weekly News structured? What's the work behind the Weekly News?

What are the openSUSE Weekly News?

4 The Weekly News is an Internet publication. We collect posts from different sources, and publish that in our Weekly News. We have different topics: Announcements, In the Community, status updates, Planet SuSE, and on the Web. We try to structure the posts under these topics. At the moment we have 2 editors for the main newsletter and many Translators. They translate the newsletter into 13 languages. What are the openSUSE Weekly News Testing

What are your sources?

6 We have many sources: Mailinglists: announcements, factory, KDE/GNOME, features, marketing, security announce and different development lists. Blogs: PlanetSUSE, lizards, news, tuxmachines, hedgehogpainter, openSUSE Member Blogs, ZDNET and a few other. Ticker: packman, OBS/Factory, Slashdot, Free Software Foundation. What are your sources Testing

How is the Newsletter structured?

8 Announcements: here we publish posts from news.o.o, zonkers spotlight and from the announce mailinglist. In the Community: this place is intended for Community Week, events and People of openSUSE. Status Updates: this is a place for Board-, Build Service- and Distribution-related stuff. We post messages, minutes and meeting transscripts. Tips and Tricks: infos for beginners and power-users. How is the Newsletter strucutred Testing

9 New/updated Applications: s, Blog-posts and Messages from OBS (openSUSE BuildService). PlanetSUSE: assorted posts from PlanetSUSE. openSUSE Forums: selected posts from the Forums (tnx to Carl Fletcher) On the Web: Blogs and other stuff, not only related to openSUSE. Meetings/Events: infos about past and upcoming events like IRC Team meetings. Security Updates: Security Announcements How is the Newsletter structured (2) Testing

1010 Statistics: Statistics from Bugzilla, openFATE and the Build Service. Jan-Simon has written an nice tool for fetching the statistics. Since then it is a Joy to get the statistics ;-) How is the Newsletter structured (3) Testing

Workflow behind Weekly News?

1212 We have published our workflow. Please follow the Link.Link We collect during the whole week content for the Weekly News. Every Saturday at 10:00 UTC the Newsletter get status “FREEZED”. Then we make the Newsletter ready for translation and send the “readymail”. The Translators start now to translate. At Tuesday we publish the Newsletter, and linking it to news.o.o, to our portal and the site: en.o.o Workflow behind the Weekly News Testing

What other projects we contribute?

1414 We are contributing Radiotux. This is the german Linux Radio. We publish an german-spoken Version for the Lifestream and for the Podcast. What other Projects we contribute Testing

1515 You can reach us: Jan-Simon Möller Sascha Manns IRC: Project- Credits and Feedback Testing

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