Clase de español II Es martes. Es el quince de febrero de dos mil once.
Actividades de practicar A Escuchar A Leer A Hablar A Escribir
A Escuchar In a group of 3-4 people Listen to a Clifford book and do the following: complete a worksheet with the book and check your answers write why the 20 numbered blanks were either preterit or imperfect Write your reason in English on the blanks (pt II) Staple the papers of all people in your group together and turn in as one
A Leer Individually or in pairs, choose a children's books provided Read it cover to cover Answer the following questions in ENGLISH: 1. What was the main idea of the story? 2. What was the conflict of the story? 3. What events led to the climax of the story? 4. How was the conflict resolved? 5. In 5 sentences, summarize the story. When you turn in your paper, include the TITLE of the story.
A Hablar Bring in a toy from your childhood. Sign up for a time to present Present in Spanish to the teacher the following: the type of toy, how you played with it whom you used to play with how often you played with it, etc. Include: reflexive and non-reflexive verbs vocabulary from this chapter 5-10 sentences preterit and imperfect tenses (correct usage, please) correct pronunciation and conjugations You may use a note card with pictures ONLY. No words in any language are permitted. Note cards will be turned it in at the end of your presentation.
A Escribir Individually or in pairs Retell a popular children's story/fable in YOUR OWN WORDS in Spanish. Include: title preterit and imperfect tenses (correct usage, please) sentences vocabulary that you KNOW If you have to use a dictionary, you can either a) find another way to say what you're trying to say b) LEARN that new word (provide a voacb list of new words: Spanish – English)
Las Actividades Tiempo en clase hoy, el miércoles, el jueves y el martes.
Actividades de practicar A Escuchar In groups of 3-4 (staple sheets together) Must be done in class A Leer Individually or in pairs (staple sheets together) Must be done in class A Hablar Individually Can prepare at home Must present in class A Escribir Individually or in pairs (staple sheets together) Can be done at home