Homes in Different Countries. By Aaron Harry Ryan Shantae Talia Georgia This power point is about different homes around the world.
Africa is hot and dry. The homes are made out of straw and mud. They make them out of mud from the river. The sun makes the mud hard and strong. Ryan
In Africa some people make houses of straw and mud they make it of mud so it sticks together and to make it strong. Shantae.
Stilt house Some people in stilt houses. They have stilts. They are made out of wood. Harry
Boat houses some people live in Vietnam on a boat. People in Hong Kong sometimes live on boats because they catch fish. The children like playing in the sea they throw water at each other. They eat and sleep on the boat. Georgia.
Tree Houses People have to climb up to get to their stilt houses. They are made out of sticks instead of bricks and have stilts. They build stilts so the wild creatures can’t get up. Talia
Some people live in the igloos and it is wet and cold. The people build it out of the snow. They cut the snow to make bricks. Aaron.