Of James Ford (Famous Explorer) January1929 Journal
Day 1 James Ford here, travelling by boat to Hawaii in search new, unknown creatures and caves. The journey is taking a long time and the sea can be very dangerous because of the huge waves. I am suffering from being so sea sick.
Day 2 We have arrived at the shores of Hawaii and because of the damage to the boat from the waves, we are now stranded......buts that okay because I have a mission to explore and explore I will!!
Day 3 I found the opening of the jungle so I started to explore and within a short time I found a foot print. I thought that this was a old dinosaur foot print but I wasn’t completely sure that it was a dinosaur ‘s foot print so I followed them to investigate further. The big question was...what would I find?
Skip 50 days.....
Day 53 What I can tell you about the creature I have called a BLENDERSAURUS.
Day 53..continued The Blendersaurus has golden boomerang shaped horns for fighting. His hair is bright and multi-couloured to blend in with the coral reefs. Coral Reefs I hear you wonder, well let me tell you what I have discovered. The Bleandersaurus is a amphibian who can live under water, mainly near the coral reefs to keep safe, although they can also live on land but the jungle for camouflage. So his hair is camouflage on land and in the sea. A Blendersaurus has gills to breath under water as well as four lungs, two for under water and two for air on land.
Day 54 The Blendersaurus has two medium sized pink fins on his back to help it swim in deeper waters and because of this size he can swim very deep without getting crushed by the water volcanoes and the pressure. They also have flat feet to walk on sand without sinking. I have noticed that they use their really long tails for whipping predators and to grab tight onto trees. At the end of there tails is a rattle that makes a hell of a racket but is there to distract and scare off animals and also humans (now that I have been spotted)!
Day 55 The Blendersaurus prefers to hunt at night time and has bumps on its tummy to store food especially for the morning when it is feeling lazy but his bumps also keep it’s tummy cool. I have noticed that their favourite food is fish especially salmon. It chews on sticks to keep its teeth razor sharp to slice through bones. The Blendersaurus has a ground shaking roar. They are as tall as a lorry and as wide as a van but above all they are as fat as a elephant.
Skip 20 years....
Entry 1 The Blendersaurus was discovered by our very own famous Explorer, James Ford. We know that they can live up to around 14 years. The Blendersaurus doesn’t like people because they hunt them for: Their fur to make coats Their horns to make medicine Their rattles to make instruments We know that they can have up to 3 baby's a year which means they can have 42 baby’s in their whole entire life.
Entry 2 There are not that many female Blendersaurus so we are worried that they mite become extinct. We are worried because of the way she lays eggs. Boy eggs are bigger then girl eggs because the male eggs hold three baby boys while the female eggs only hold one baby girl. So a mother Blendersaurus could have up to 9 boys in one go but only up to 3 girls in one go. We are still researching the Blendersaurus and finding out new facts all the time....but the best facts were found by James Ford, the famous explorer.