CyberBullying By Larry Ly
Cyber Bullying ● Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. The following electronic devices used to cyberbully is like cell phones, computers, and tablets as well. ● Examples of cyberbullying include mean texts messages or s, rumors sent by or by posting on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites or fake profiles.
Why Cyberbullying is diffrent ● Kids who are being cyberbullied are often bullied in person as well. Additionally, kids who are being cyberbullied have a harder time getting away from the behavior. ● Cyberbulling can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a kid even when he or she is alone. ● Cyberbulling messages and images can be posted anonymously and distrubuted quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source.
Effects Of Cyberbullying ● Cell phones and computers can not be blamed for cyberbullying because like some social media sites can be used for positive activities such as connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment.But these tools can be used to hurt people, whether done in person or behind the screen of your device it his all the same type of bullying. ● -The following are effects of cyberbullying Alcohol and drugs Skip school Experience in-person bullying Be unwilling to attend school Receive poor grades Have lower self esteem Have more health problems
Frequency of Cyberbullying ● The School crime supplement indicates that nine percent of students 6 th -12 th grade experienced cyberbullying. ● The 2013 Youth Risk behavior surveillance finds that 15% of high school students(grades 9 th -12 th ) were electronically bullied in the past year. ● Research on cyberbullying is growing but the worlds technology is rapidly growing and keeps on messing up people who try to help design surveys that accurately capture trends so it is very difficult for them.
As illustrated in the chart above, the rates of cyberbullying victimization have varied over the years we have studied the phenomenon. On average, about 25% of the students have been a victim if cyberbullying.
The rates of cyberbullying offending have also varied among the research studies people have conducted. On average, about 16% of the students have been offended by cyberbullying.
How to prevent Cyberbullying ● First parents should be aware of what sites they are using and ask what they are doing on it and why. Have a sense of what they do online and in texts. Learn about the sites they like. Try out the devices they use or you can also ask for just in case of a emergency. ● Parents should establish rules about technology use. Encourage kids to think about who they want to see the information and pictures they post online. Help them be smart about what they post or say. Tell them not to share anything that could hurt or embarrass themselves or others. Once something is posted, it is out of their control whether someone else will forward it. ● Tell kids to keep their passwords safe and not share them with friends. Sharing passwords can compromise their control over their online identities and activities.