Welcome to Sugar Camp Cambridge November 17-20, 2008
Monday slow start day Morning: unscheduled fun Afternoon: Hack hack hack! ;-) Evening: Hackaton
Tuesday collaboration and content day Morning: brainstorms Late morning: Open Learning Exchange Afternoon: brainstorms Evening: hack on collaboration
Wednesday Presentations day Many speakers => limited time per speaker Interested people can dig deeper into the topics in informal brainstorms
Thursday “road ahead” day Joint OLPC / Sugar Labs collaboration meetings OLPC 9.1 roadmap Sugar 0.84 roadmap Fight!!!
Friday “guest stars” day Morning: Portfolio (Evangelina) Also morning: Sugar Labs (WBender) Afternoon: UI brainstorm (Christian Schmidt) Afternoon: Sugar Labs (Wbender) Get Drunk!
Community organization It's an informal event, dammit! This schedule is not set in stone Have proposals, complaints? Speak up!
Important notice Open Wi-Fi ESSID: “CIC” Printers are available: ask Bernie and Chris Ask Chris how to make conference calls Last minute attendees: contact Bernie
Important notice Wear your badge at all times! Keep this room clean! Do not talk aloud during presentations!
Community organization Thanks to OLE for hosting us here Thanks to OLPC for the catering Thanks to donors who provided travel funding Thanks to all the people who helped us make this happen Thank you all for coming
Advertisement time Sugar reinvents the use of computers in education.
Advertisement time Sugar is the first serious attempt to create a user interface that is based on both cognitive and social constructivism
Try Sugar on Linux Gentoo Fedora Debian Ubuntu QEMU
Try it on the XO-1
Try it on the Classmate
Try it on the EEE PC
Try it with the “Live USB”
Try it on the Beagle Board!
Current state 0.82 software released 0.84 roadmap being worked on ~400,000 children in ~20 countries use Sugar feedback from educators, students Large community of volunteers Core developers funded by OLPC and Red Hat
#sugar quotes (02:08:19) tomeu: where is marco staying? (02:08:43) tomeu: haven't heard from him, hope his plane didn't crash or sugar is damned
Thank you Q?
Resources & Contacts Wiki: http://sugarlabs.org/ Mailing lists: lists.sugarlabs.org It's an education project Weekly community news IRC: #sugar on FreeNode