© 2007 IBM Corporation 1 Proposal: Improvement of Business Graphics Accessibility in ODF 1.2 “Data model attachment to graphics” Chieko Asakawa, Hironobu Takagi and Tatsuya Ishihara IBM Research
© 2007 IBM Corporation 2 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, Proposed items at CSUN F2F meeting (March 2007) We will focus on the second proposal, today. ● P1. Generalization of connectors ● Images, graphic shapes for representing connections of objects ● Necessary for representing diagram structures ● P2. Attachment of “original XML data” to formal diagrams ● UML, Mindmap,.... ● Attach metadata representing data models ● P3. Preservation of alignment information ● Automatic preservation of alignment history ● Useful for automatic conversion of pictorial Braille
© 2007 IBM Corporation 3 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, P2. Attachment of “Original XML Data” to Formal Diagrams ● Benefit ● Allow assistive technologies to convert semantic structure of a graphic into accessible format by providing original data model structure. ● Braille translation, screen reading, simplification for magnification/small screen.... ● Examples ● Data model of chemical (Chemical Markup Language) ● Data model for UML (XML Metadata Interchange) ● BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) ● Mindmap (FreeMind, etc...) ViewPlus Pro Braille Printer Dot View DV IVEO ® DocExplorer
© 2007 IBM Corporation 4 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, Examples of Graphics and Standardize XML Representations c=/com.ibm.etools.scenario.emerged.doc/ref/bbldflow.html ry/ws-uml2bpel/index.html CM L UML (XMI) BPE L C C Mindma p
© 2007 IBM Corporation 5 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, Design Choice for Diagram Data Attachment Use case 1: Attach data model to an “image” Use case 2: Attach data model to a group of “graphic objects” Design 1: Expand use of for accessibility purpose Not require any change to the ODF spec 1.1. Require ODF spec changes e.g. support inside Design 2: Apply new metadata spec proposed by metadata SC Require spec changes (along with metadata SC)
IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, © 2006 IBM Corporation 6 6 Design 1. Use element (Use case 1) File Name : classdiagram.dnx <children xmi:id="_thHq0NkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" targetEdges="_uhC2wNkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow"> <children xmi:id="_thHq09kgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" type="ImageCompartment"> <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Size" xmi:id=“NkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" width="1320" height="1320"/> Create image from UML Bind UML data and image
IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, © 2006 IBM Corporation 7 7 Design 1. Use element (Use case 2) Parent Child File Name : classdiagram.dnx Graphic objects Bind data model
© 2007 IBM Corporation 8 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, Current Metadata Proposal for ODF 1.2 bibiliography.rdf Some Book Title 2000 <!-- note, here, we're using vcard; this could be stored in a contacts.rdf if one wanted --> Smith, Jane ABC Books citation.rdf <cite:Reference rdf:about="urn:uuid:afdc453c-5dc dab-fc378bd9e73d"> <!-- to specify the ID/URI for the source --> 1 <!-- to track position within the list of references --> 23 meta.xml content.xml ( Smith, 2000 ) metadata/200706/msg00018.html is content created by metadata function Specify metadata file by Bind content.xml and metadata By odf:Element
© 2007 IBM Corporation 9 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, Design 2. Metadata Approach (Use case 1) File Name : classdiagram.dnx <children xmi:id="_thHq0NkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" targetEdges="_uhC2wNkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow"> <children xmi:id="_thHq09kgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" type="ImageCompartment"> <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Size" xmi:id=“NkgEduKaPpMZBg-ow" width="1320" height="1320"/> Create image from UML Specify root element of classdiagram.dnx Set UML data as metadafta file
IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, © 2006 IBM Corporation 10 Design 2. Metadata Approach (Use case 2) Parent Child File Name : classdiagram.dnx Specify root element of classdiagram.dnx Set UML data as metadafta file
IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, © 2006 IBM Corporation 11 ● Back up
© 2007 IBM Corporation 12 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, ODF 1.1 Spec ● 9.3 Frames A frame is a rectangular container where that contains enhanced content like text boxes, images or objects. Frames are very similar to regular drawing shapes, but support some features that are not available for regular drawing shapes, like contours, image maps and hyperlinks. In particular, a frame allows to have multiple renditions of an object. That is, a frame may for instance contain an object as well as an image. In this case, the application may choose the content that it supports best. If the application supports the object type contained in the frame, it probably will render the object. If it does not support the object, it will render the image. In general, an application must not render more than one of the content elements contained in a frame. The order of content elements dictates the document author's preference for rendering, with the first child being the most preferred. This means that applications should render the first child element that it supports. A frame must contain at least one content element. The inclusion of multiple content elements is optional. Application may preserve the content elements they don't render, but don't have to.
© 2007 IBM Corporation 13 IBM Business Graphics Accessibility | OASIS ODF TC Accessibility SC | June 20th, ODF 1.1 Spec ● Objects ● A document in OpenDocument format can contain two types of objects, as follows: ● Objects that have an OpenDocument or other XML representation. Objects that have an OpenDocument representation are: ● Formulas (represented as [MathML]) ● Charts ● Spreadsheets ● Text documents ● Drawings ● Presentations ● Objects that do not have an XML representation. These objects only have a binary representation, An example for this kind of objects OLE objects. ● The element represents objects that have a XML representation. The element represents objects that only have a binary representation.