Today you will: Know about devices used to extend or develop melodies Understand more new devices that you could use in your compositions and that you must recognise and be able to identify in your Listening Exam By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Accurately identify devices used in melodies through listening activities Perform these devices and use them in composition work
Listening Activity Identify the devices used in these melodies:
Today you will: Know about devices used to extend or develop melodies Understand more new devices that you could use in your compositions and that you must recognise and be able to identify in your Listening Exam By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Accurately identify devices used in melodies through listening activities Perform these devices and use them in composition work
Composing/Improvising Activities 1.Construct/improvise a melody that makes use of a sequence 2.Extend this melody using inversion g g a g c b g g
Today you will: Know about devices used to extend or develop melodies Understand more new devices that you could use in your compositions and that you must recognise and be able to identify in your Listening Exam By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Accurately identify devices used in melodies through listening activities Perform these devices and use them in composition work
More Devices Decoration/ornaments Blue notes Glissando Pitch bend
Ornaments Ornaments are used to decorate a tune and make it sound more interesting. They are fiddly little notes that stand out from the main tune. There are standard symbols used to show the main ornaments. It is up to the performer to fit them in.
Trill A Trill is lots of tiny quick notes. You will see the symbol ‘tr’. If the music was written before 1800 start one note above the written note and then go quickly back and forth between the written note and the note you started on. If the music was written after 1800 start on the written note and trill up to the note above.
Trill Task – perform trill as it would sound before 1800 and after Written note E.
Appoggiatura Appoggiatura starts on a note that clashes with the chord, then moves to a note that belongs to the chord. The two notes are usually 1 tone or a semitone apart. It normally takes half the time value of the note it ‘leans on’.
Appoggiatura Task – perform this appoggiatura with chord C in left hand. Written notes D-C.
Acciaccatura Acciaccatura means ‘crushing in’. It is a note that is squeezed in before the main note and played as fast as possible. Task - perform this acciaccatura. F-E
Mordents Mordents start off like trills. But they end on the written note. There are upper mordents and lower mordents. Upper mordent – play written note – note above it – back to written note. Lower mordent – play written note – note below it – back to written note.
Mordents Task – perform upper and lower mordents. Written note E.
Turns Start on the note above the written note, then play the written note, followed by the note below the written note and finally ending on the written note !!!!! Task – perform a turn. Written note E.
Perform F - E
Perform Written note E.
Perform Written note D to C. Play with Chord C.
Perform Written note E
Perform Written note E
More Devices Decoration/ornaments Blue notes Glissando Pitch bend
Blue Notes Blue notes are particular notes found in jazz styles, above all the Blues. These are flattened versions of the 3 rd, 5 th and 7 th degree of the scale, giving a rather sour, dark and minor colour to the melody when overall the harmony is major
Glissando A slide between two notes ‘Glisser’ in French means to slide It is also referred to as ‘portamento’ e.g sliding from one note to another in singing
Pitch Bend Notes which are played by deliberately changing the pitch is a technique called pitch bending. It is done in many styles and on instruments ranging from brass, saxophones to bass guitar and singers The pitch of the note is modified by raising or lowering it slightly