In the top margin on the first page of your yellow notebook, write “Nouns.” A common noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Examples: girl (person), kitchen (place), window (thing) Then, copy down these notes. Next, create this tree map below your notes. common nouns peopleplaces things Now, write each noun under the correct heading. teacher, cabinet, cone, park, college, picture, pharmacy, studio, lobby, daisy, satellite, infant, lawyer, thermometer, soldier, partner, salesperson, riverbank
common nouns peopleplaces things teacher infant lawyer soldier partner salesperson park college pharmacy studio lobby riverbank cabinet cone picture daisy satellite thermometer Check your answers and fix the ones you got wrong. ANSWER KEY
Add this information to the “Nouns” page of your yellow notebook. A proper noun is a word that names a specific person, place, or thing. The first letter of a proper noun is capitalized. Examples: Susan (specific person), Canada (specific place), The Hunger Games (specific thing) First, copy down these notes. Then, copy these sentences. 1.The roof on the old barn is peeling. 2.A row of ants marched across the picnic blanket. 3.My mom loves to visit Pike’s Peak in Colorado. 4.Walter put on his boots before going outside. 5.Do alligators live in swamps? 6.Jack wants to visit Paris, France. 7.Samantha checked out 3 books from the library. 8.Tom likes to eat at a restaurant called Good Eats. You will circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns in each sentence.
ANSWER KEY 1.The roof on the old barn is peeling. 2.A row of ants marched across the picnic blanket. 3.My mom loves to visit Pike’s Peak in Colorado. 4.Walter put on his boots before going outside. 5.Do alligators live in swamps? 6.Jack wants to visit Paris, France. 7.Samantha checked out 3 books from the library. 8.Tom likes to eat at a restaurant called Good Eats. Check your answers and fix the ones you got wrong.
Add this information to the “Nouns” page of your yellow notebook (you might need to use the back side). A concrete noun identifies something that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted. Examples: popcorn, theater, music An abstract noun is a word that names an idea or quality that cannot be physically interacted with. Examples: memory, kindness, love First, copy down these notes. Next, write down these words and identify them as concrete or abstract. 2.bravery 4.imagination 5. peach 6. freedom 7. shout 8. guitar Lastly, decide if the noun pride is a concrete noun or an abstract noun. Explain your decision in your yellow notebook.
ANSWER KEY Check your answers and fix the ones you got wrong. 2.bravery 4. imagination 5. peach 6. freedom 7. shout 8. guitar abstract concrete abstract concrete abstract concrete Pride can be either abstract or concrete, depending on how you use it. A pride is a group of lions (which can be seen, so it’s concrete). The feeling pride would be an abstract noun, though: it is an idea or quality that you cannot see, hear, smell, touch, or taste.
Add this information to the “Nouns” page of your yellow notebook (yep, it’s getting full). A singular noun names ONE person, place, thing, or idea. A plural noun names MORE THAN ONE person, place, thing, or idea. Add s to most singular nouns to make them plural. Example: book books If a singular noun ends with sh, ch, x, s, or z, add es to make it plural. Example: beach beaches If a singular noun ends with a consonant followed by y, change the y to i and add es to make the word plural. Example: baby babies If a singular noun ends with a vowel followed by y, just add s to make the plural. Example: boy boys Now, write the plural form of each singular noun. First, copy down these notes. 1.crash 2.comic 3.responsibility 4.tortilla 5. suggestion 6. melody 7. business 8. branch 9. glimpse 10. lady 11. dress 12. tax
Check your answers and fix the ones you got wrong. ANSWER KEY 1.crash 2.comic 3.responsibility 4.tortilla 5. suggestion 6. melody 7. business 8. branch 9. glimpse 10. lady 11. dress 12. tax crashes comics responsibilities tortillas suggestions melodies businesses branches glimpses ladies dresses tax
Add this information to the “Nouns” page of your yellow notebook (it’s the last day for nouns). A possessive noun shows ownership or belonging. If a noun is singular (or plural but does not end with an s), add an apostrophe plus an s (’s) to the end. Examples: dog’s food, teacher’s pen, mice’s cheese If a noun is plural and ends with an s, add an apostrophe (’) to the end. Examples: cats’ collars, dancers’ shoes First, copy the notes. DIRECTIONS: Change each phrase into one that uses a possessive noun. Then, label it singular possessive (S) or plural possessive (P). Example: the car belonging to the family the family’s car (S) 1.The toys belonging to the brothers 2.The brush belonging to Iris 3.The doll belonging to the twins 4.The bike belonging to his sister
Check your answers and fix the ones you got wrong. ANSWER KEY 1.The toys belonging to the brothers the brothers’ toys (P) 2.The brush belonging to Iris Iris’s brush (S) 3.The doll belonging to the twins the twins’ doll (P) 4.The bike belonging to his sister his sister’s bike (S)