The blues By: Aminat Raji 8g2
Blues What are the arpeggio chords of the12 bar blues? The 12 bar blues primary chords are c, f and g. Each note is played after the other. The easiest way to find any note “c” on the keyboard is to find the two black notes, go to the left and the first white note next to them is “c”. Arpeggio chords are also known as broken chords. The 12 bar blues are the length of the music is 12 bars, and it also fits with typical blues lyrics. The people that sang the blues were black African Americans.
THE MID DLE PAS SA GE (SL AVE RY) * In the middle passage thousands of Africans were forced to go to America because they were black people. * Life was horrible for the Africans because their families were spilt up and also children were taken from their parents. * Life was also horrible for the Africans because they were beaten and treated like nothing. * Music played an important part in their lives because they found a positive thing at that moment. * The drums is the most popular African instrument for the slaves. *Freedom was worse than slavery for many of the black Americans because they were often denied jobs and mistreated in other ways. * The slaves were set free in * The blues songs expressed all of the unhappy things in their lives. * In blues the call is made by the singer who sing the first half of each line. The response answer is made by the guitarist or other instrument.
Some Instruments being played in blues:
Famous people in blues Famous people in blues Robert Johnson: Robert Leroy Johnson was an American singer-songwriter and musician. His recordings in 1936 and 1937 was of singing, guitar skills, and song writing talent that has influenced later on of musicians. Bessie Smith: Bessie Smith was an American blues singer. Nicknamed The Empress of the Blues, She was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s. Born: April 15, Died: September 26, 1937.
More famous people in blues Muddy Waters: Muddy Waters was an American blues musician. He is also known as the "father of modern Chicago blues". John Lee Hooker: John Lee Hooker was an American blues singer, songwriter and guitarist. He was born in Mississippi, the son of a sharecropper, and rose to prominence performing an electric guitar-style adaptation of Delta blues.