Michael J. Audino, MA October 7, 2011 Community Transportation Association of Idaho.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael J. Audino, MA October 7, 2011 Community Transportation Association of Idaho

 Learn About Our Generosity Heritage  Recognize Planning Issues for Volunteer Transportation  Understand Volunteer Transportation Models  Identify Next Steps

“We must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities for the supply of other’s necessities.” John Winthrop

 People with disabilities need transportation to employment  Children need a ride home after late school activities  Medicaid recipients need transportation to appointments  Single mothers need rides to daycare and then employment  Seniors need rides to medical and shopping  Patients need ride home following hospital discharge  Low-income families need reliable access to jobs

 Demand for mobility exceeds supply  Significant difference between transit funding and transit financial needs  Idaho is impacted by the national dialogue  The I-Way

 Volunteer Recruitment is #1 Challenge  Volunteer programs are serious about risk management  Insurance products are available and afforded by most  Volunteer programs are safe  Community leaders lack awareness

 Average Years of Operation – 17  Median Budget – $23,450  Volunteer Drivers Only – 71%  Volunteer Vehicles Only – 91%  Average Cost/Ride – $7.73

 Informal Volunteer Services  Local Government Programs  Social Service Programs-Market Focused  Membership-Based  Faith-Based

 Target Market  Service Territory  Trip Purposes  Service Qualit y  Fare or Free

 City of 13,000  Gulfport Senior Center  Persons Over 55  City-Owned Vehicles  Complements Demand Responsive Service

 County-Wide  ElderPoint Ministries  Any Resident with a Transportation Disadvantage  Coordinates with Polk County Transit

 Riverside, California  Riders Identify Drivers  Reimbursement to Rider  92,843 one-way trips  $5.74/trip

 22 Affiliates in 19 States  Membership-Based, Fee for Service  Door through Door Service  4.97Miles/Trip  $10.89/Trip

 Liability Insurance is a Non Issues Issue  Collaborate with Other Volunteer Programs- American Cancer Society  Walk Before You Run  Inspiration and Perspiration  Not a Silver Bullet

Volunteer Driver Education+ Employment+ Wellness= Prosperity Access to School, Job, Health Care Prosperity = Gratitude A Virtuous Cycle

Michael J. Audino THANK YOU !!