Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Olmsted Room 108
A Little Bit About Me Married to Michael for 21 years. We share a love for the beach, black coffee to begin our day, and baseball (I’m a Cardinals fan, he’s a Cubs fan).
Our Amazing Kids Chandler-17: Loves to play baseball; Lakyn-13: Loves to play guitar and sing; Ashlyn-12: Loves to cheer
Arrival Students may begin arriving at 8:10. If you will be dropping your child off at school, please refer to the JTSD Car line Protocol. If your child rides a bus, he/she will be picked up at your neighborhood bus stop and dropped off at your neighborhood school. A shuttle bus will then bring your child to JTSD. Upon arrival, the students will place their backpacks outside the classroom and go to the playground until class begins. If the students are unable to go outside, they will go to the art room instead. Students that arrive after 8:35 will be considered tardy. Please walk your child to the office and sign him/her in before coming to class. School Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:30-3:30 Friday: 8:30-2:30
Transportation & Dismissal Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:25 and car riders will be dismissed at 3:28. If your child rides the bus, he/she will first ride the shuttle bus back to your neighborhood school and then ride an additional bus home. Car riders may be picked up at the east door. Please display your JTSD visor tag to help with the dismissal process. We ask that you pull all the way up to the designated stopping stripe or up to the car in front of you. This will allow the maximum number of students to be loaded at one time. Your child should load on the passenger side of the vehicle only. Walkers will be dismissed after the buses have left the campus. Parents are also welcome to pick up their children inside the gym after school. Parents will be allowed inside the building after the buses have exited the campus. Parents will be asked to enter the front door and exit the gym door to keep traffic flowing.
Specials Schedule Monday: PE Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Media Thursday: Library Friday: Art Wear tennis shoes
Gray Folders & Backpacks Send a backpack EACH day Name on the outside of backpack Send gray folder to school EVERY day, and check it EACH night. You may place notes inside this folder as needed and I will check it every day. John’s Gray Folder Mrs. Olmsted Kindergarten John
Lunch Information Kindergarteners will be served Choice #1 when ordering a school lunch. They will be given several choices of sides to choose from. You will find menus, prices and other resources on the district website. n/277 Parents, Quick Links, School Breakfast/Lunch Information
Snacks and Birthday Treats View the Healthy Snack List at: age/2097 We have a peanut allergy in our classroom. Please do not send snacks that contain or “may contain” peanuts. Examples: crackers, cheese, yogurt, pretzels, Goldfish Birthday snacks MUST meet Health & Wellness Policy Your child may bring a snack and water bottle each day. We will NOT be serving snack milk.
Recess We will go out if it is 25 degrees or above, (including wind chill) or 95 degrees or below (with heat index).
Visitors Lunch is from 11:57-12:19 If you would like to eat with your child please check in at the office and wait for us up front. You may join your child as we walk by
Updates and Volunteering New information and upcoming events are continuously being added to the JTSD and PTA websites. Please take a moment each week to check for opportunities to volunteer and stay involved. This year every volunteer must have a background check on file with the school district. Watch for a weekly newsletter and other information on my teacher website every Monday.
Contact Info Mrs. Olmsted For transportation changes during school day, please call the front office ( ).
A Few More Things… Nixa Public Schools has a great app! If you have not already done so, please download the NPS app. Our district is updating some things that will allow not only parents to get important information through this app, but also allow the teachers to communicate updates and notifications through your choosing of: text, phone calls, s, and/or push notifications (coming soon). Through the Nixa Public Schools parent portal you can keep all your addresses and phone numbers up to date. This will be very important due to the app above. The app above will automatically be updated when you update any changes in your information that way you never miss important notifications! Instead of doing binder portfolios we are using the app and website called SeeSaw. It is an online portfolio that allows documents and videos to be shared with families. It is a great way to stay updated on your child’s progress! *More info will be coming on this at a later time*
Important Websites Volunteer background check information Updating contact information throughout the year My website; Newsletters and other information will be found here: