Race Equality in the NHS, Raising the Standard Race Equality in the NHS, Raising the Standard Surinder Sharma Director of Equality and Human Rights 7 March 2005
The challenge Making the NHS open and accessible for all For service users For staff
Why we need to do it The NHS is the largest single employer of black and minority ethnic staff in England The NHS must understand the health needs of all communities and groups, embedding this understanding into mainstream health care delivery, so that there is equity of access and equity of treatment for all. The NHS as a Corporate Citizen, playing a full role in local strategic partnerships, regeneration and renewal.
The NHS Plan “The NHS of the 21st Century must be responsive to the needs of different groups and individuals within society and challenge discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexuality. The NHS will treat patients as individuals, with respect for their dignity. Patients and citizens will have a greater say in the NHS, and the provision of services will be centred on patients’ needs” NHS Plan Core Principles
The Department of Health’s Role Leadership Race Equality Action Plan Race for Health Working closely with a number of SHAs Delivering Race Equality Gypsies and Travellers
What we are trying to achieve A service that provides equity of access, equity of treatment, appropriately and responsively. Supporting choice and reducing inequalities. A NHS that values the contribution from all sections of society. Investing in the workforce, promoting model employment practices. A NHS which is an employer of choice.
Race Equality in the NHS, Raising the Standard Surinder Sharma Director of Equality and Human Rights 7 March 2005