The lost toy Once Arun was playing in the garden. In the garden there were beautiful colourful flowers, butterflies, birds, rabbits, trees, many trees...but this boy wasn´t happy. He couldn´t smile! He was sad because he had lost a toy.
Tree He lay down on the grass and closed his eyes. Moments later He was dancing around the Trees, lying down under a tree and grabbing fruits to eat from another tree.
Bird & Butterfly Arun loved to sing. He loved to listen to the birds singing. He would follow the birds and sing the songs of the birds, his friends.There were many flowers and butterflies...Arun remembered his friend Starshine, how happy she was. He looked at the butterflies flying from flower to flower. He started to count: one pink butterfly, one blue butterfly, one yellow butterfly, one orange butterfly...
Dog Arun had his Dog with him. He started playing with his dog in the garden. Other dogs came also to play with him. But where was his toy?
Cat His Cat always likes to roam around the lake near to his house. Arun was thinking how beautiful this garden is, how he loved to walk here with his father, little sister, and their pets Lotus and Glory.
Snake & Boat They used to see the Snakes stretching their flexible body here and there from one plant to the other, hiding, hissing, sometimes rushing to the lake.... the beautiful cool lake. At the bank there was always a boat. The boat, always faithful, regularly took people across the lake.
Rabbit and Fish His friend Starshine loves Rabbits. She dances for the rabbits and all her animal friends. On land and in the lake. He could see how she was happy and he was sad because of his lost toy. So he followed her example: he danced to the flowers and plants and played with the animals. He jumped into the lake and started to swim with the fish and singing for them. There was a yellow fish, an orange fish, a red many fish!!
All a dream... It was getting late. His friend Starshine woke him up on the grass. Oh, after all it was just a dream. He told everything he saw in his dream, the flowers, the animals...the way he would like to sing for them and why he was sad...
Candle & Cloud It was getting dark. Starshine lit a Candle in the garden and both saw a Cloud passing by in the sky and both danced and sang for the cloud and for all animals. They were feeling like a cloud and they wanted to be like a cloud, light, bright...
Warrior & Universe When Arun went to bed, he closed his eyes and saw something he never had seen before. This thing is called Universe. And he was feeling so good! He could see and feel all the creatures, all living beings in the garden and everywhere,... and also his toy Warrior!! His family and friends, himself and the people of the whole world were there.
He is happy again... Arun understood that the only thing lost was him and he have found himself again. The toy would make part of the Universe as well. Now he was happy again!!