ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC International Trade Union Confederation Asia Pacific ITUC-Asia Pacific ITC-ILO ACTRAV and SNTUC Trade Union Training on Social Security Policies focusing on Pension Schemes 2 – 6 August 2010, Singapore ITUC – AP Policies and Actions on Social Safety Nets By Ching Chabo, Director ITUC – AP Research and Information Dept
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN Definition of Social Safety Nets (SSN) by ITUC – AP: Social safety nets can be broadly defined as those instruments aimed at providing extended legal social protection, guarantee and social security to the most needing sections of society, particularly the working class and the social poor as their human and social rights not only for their humane and social objectives in public policies and private participation, but as a system of international covenants, collective social contract and income redistribution. First defined by ICFTU – APRO in 1998 during the 1997/98 Asian financial and economic crisis
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN Social safety nets as defined by the ITUC AP are: – Old age/retirement benefits – Employment insurance benefits (unemployment benefits; vocational and skills training and retraining; and job placement) – Retrenchment benefits – Occupational and medical care and sickness benefits
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN Cont. SSN as defined by ITUC – AP: – Maternity benefits and other benefits specific to woman – Guaranteed minimum wage; and – General social development schemes for education, general health, housing, social assistance for special groups, community development and natural disasters i.e. ILO Convention ILO Convention 102 on Social Security (Minimum Standards), 1952
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN The overarching objective in the provision of social safety nets is social justice for an equitable distribution of income. It is an economic and social as well as a human rights issue The right to work and the right to form and join unions in the struggle to improve the economic and social welbeing of workers in particular and society in general are inherent in any civilised society. Decent work and the dignity of labour cannot be compromised
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN It is basically the responsibility of governments to provide for SSNs. The provision of SSNs has direct link with national fiscal and budgetary policy including taxation. National taxation policy is a reflection of the power structure of the State Taxation policy should be progressive to contribute to equitable distribution. The efficient use of tax revenues is a means through which income inequalities can be narrowed Contributory funding such as provident funds for retirees is also a reality
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN Institutionalisation of SSNs through legal provisions, policy measures and collective bargaining agreements is necessary. The effective implementation of such legal provisions and measures is just as important for the full impact of the introduction of SSNs to be meaningful Good governance where there are accountability and transparency is essential in the provision of SSns
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Policy on SSN Participation and effective representation of stakeholders such as workers and their trade unions is important. Participation through tripartite and bipartite mechanisms are ways to provide for participation and representation of trade unions Building and strengthening trade unions are necessary to ensure that trade unions can play an effective role in the provision of SSNs
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Actions 1.Regional programmes e.g. ITUC – AP Regional Conference on Institutional Reform - for a Better SSN and Fiscal/Monetary Policies, 6 – 7 August 2008, Bangkok, Thailand and ITUC – AP Regional Workshop on Minimum Wage Fixing, 18 – 19 November 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 2.National programmes with affiliates e.g. with CMTU in May 2009
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Actions on SSN 3. Regional surveys e.g. ITUC – AP survey on Social Safety Nets focusing on Provisions for Retirement and Old Age – started in June Country studies in cooperation with affiliates e.g. in Philippines, Malaysia, India and Pakistan 5. Poster campaigns 6. Production and dissemination of documents to affiliates 7. Website on OHSE
ITUC-ASIA PACIFIC ITUC – AP Actions on SSN 8. Assistance to affiliates for victims of natural disasters e.g Indian Ocean tsunami – financial assistance for training of affected persons through ILO in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia