1 Sam Childress. 2 S. Childress NNN11 Existing Fermilab Neutrino Beams 120 GeV NuMI 8 GeV BNB 2 J. Strait.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Sam Childress

2 S. Childress NNN11 Existing Fermilab Neutrino Beams 120 GeV NuMI 8 GeV BNB 2 J. Strait

3 S. Childress NNN11 NuMI BNB Planned New Neutrino Beam LBNE GeV 3 J. Strait

4  Conventional Design - neutrinos from decay of pions & kaons  Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) 8 GeV, 5e12 ppp at 6 Hz [2013 Upgrade to 15 Hz] Experiments supported:  MiniBooNE, SciBooNE, MicroBooNE  Neutrinos at Main Injector (NuMI) 120 GeV, 4e13 ppp at 2.06 sec, 360 kw [2013 upgrade to 4.9e13 ppp at 1.33 sec, 700 kw] Experiments supported:  MINOS, ArgoNeut, PEANUT, MINERvA, NOvA, SciBath, MINOS+ 4

5 Fermilab Neutrino Beams: Strengths and Challenges  A major strength of FNAL neutrino beams has been sustained operation in parallel with Tevatron collider program. More than 1e21 protons on target for both BNB and NuMI  Most technical challenges have been of learning curve type, not fundamental limits. Do NOT use “high” strength steel in intense radiation environment Initial problems with horn water cooling for both – solved early Recent NuMI target cooling problems – challenging design, welding quality degraded in later targets. Now all critical welds done at FNAL  Tritium mitigation has been particularly challenging for deep NuMI beam. Beam traverses a protected aquifer region

6 BNB Antineutrino Beam Operation since 2005 >1.4e21 PoT

7 Pulses at 15 Hz, (5 Hz average) 180 kA In operation for 7 years and 325 million pulses 7

8 NuMI Beam m 2 m Beam layout – profile view

9 NuMI Long Baseline 735 km baseline Fermilab to Soudan, Mn. For NOvA off axis beam, 810 km to Ash River, Mn.

GeV protons Focusing Horns 2 m 675 m15 m 30 m Target Decay Pipe π-π- π+π+ νμνμ νμνμ Neutrino energy tuned by moving target (usually Low Energy ) Change horn polarity to select ν μ or ν μ 10 NuMI Neutrino Beam

11 NuMI Targets Integrated PoT for six NuMI graphite targets Horizontal line is design lifetime specification. Target #7 with FNAL welding is working well. NuMI target positioned inside horn in LE position. Tight spatial constraints with need for low mass system.

12 NuMI Beam Parameters for Week ending 31 Oct. ‘ e19 PoT Consistency is the goal!

13 NuMI Weekly Protons on Target Neutrinos low energy Anti-neutrinos low energy Medium – high energy >1.35 e21 PoT

14  NOvA will operate with Medium Energy tune  14 mrad off-axis => 2 GeV narrow band beam. 14

15 NuMI Beam Power Upgrades for NOvA  Injection and Slip Stacking in 8 GeV Recycler Ring Reduce cycle time by 2/3 sec 12 Booster batches instead of 11  Single turn injection from RR into Main Injector Faster 120 GeV ramp to 1.33 sec 4.9 e13 ppp and 700 kw  New target design No longer in horn. Option for much more robust design First NOvA target delivered soon.  New medium energy horn location  Greater separation between horns  Accelerator shutdown for NOvA upgrade begins spring 2012

16 LBNE – Next Generation FNAL Long Baseline Beam

17 Why a New Beam Facility for LBNE  Need a longer baseline – 1300 km ~ ideal  Need to plan for higher power Project X beam NuMI facility upgrades to 700 kw for NOvA are near practical limits  Need beam optimized for lower energy and smaller electron neutrino background Shorter, wider decay pipe  Need to aim beam toward designated site for next generation far detector – Homestake mine in South Dakota \ J.Strait

18  Beam pointed to Homestake => 1300 km baseline  Broad-band beam, covering 1 st and 2 nd maxima (2.5 and 0.8 GeV)  Minimize high energy tail above ~5 GeV  Minimize e and “wrong-sign”   Tunable => proton beam 60 < E < 120 GeV  Design for initial power = 700 kW, upgradeable to >2 MW  Beam and Near Detector on Fermilab site  Stringent radiation safety requirements  Minimize cost! 18

19 Beam Extraction from FNAL Main Injector for LBNE  Viable extraction choices are limited by site geometry to MI-60 (NuMI/NOvA) or MI-10 (8 GeV injection)  Have evaluated in detail options for these two extraction locations, MI-60 Deep and MI-10 Shallow – with very different facility construction methods, optimized for site constraints. 19 X X X

20 Target hall location chosen by reaching sufficient depth to enable structural rock cover above the hall. Maximum primary beam slope angle limited to -150 mr. Bend down at this angle, then bend up to target at -101 mr. NuMI Style Design Target hall Glacial till 200 meter decay

21 Significantly shorter decay than NuMI (675 m) enables target hall elevation placement out of rock - chosen to balance construction requirements for elevated proton beam versus decay region and absorber located partially in rock. Potential advantages of reduced cost and improved tritium mitigation. Rock Glacial till Added soil200 meter decay Project decision this week for beam facility choice

22 Decay Shield & Water Rejection for LBNE Shallow Beam meter concrete shield surrounded by dual layer geomembrane barrier and drainage collection

23  Reference Design stable for more than a year S. Holmes

24  MW-class, multi-GeV, proton beams supporting multiple kaon, muon, and neutrino based precision experiments;  Neutrino beam for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, based on a capability of targeting at least 2 MW of proton beam power at any energy between 60 – 120 GeV. Simultaneous operations of the rare processes and neutrino programs;  Path toward a muon source for possible future Neutrino Factory and/or a Muon Collider;  Possible missions beyond EPP with nuclei and energy applications S. Holmes

25 Summary  Intense neutrino beams have been an important and productive component of the Fermilab program for many years.  We look toward the enhanced capabilities with our near term beam upgrades for BNB and NOvA, and next generation LBNE and Project X to enable fundamental advances in our understanding of the mysterious neutrino.