Social Networking for Career Advancement: it's not your teenager’s Facebook.... Mary Scanlon Business Librarian Wake Forest University Kathy Makens Electronic Information Services Librarian Durham County Libraries
Talk to Us, Interact, #nclasocial A+-+Social+Networking
Talk to Us, Interact, #nclasocial A+-+Social+Networking
Professional Development So much to read… But who’s got the time?
Sources Journal Articles Blogs Conferences Professional Associations
Tools alerts RSS feeds Twitter Facebook
Which Tools for Which Sources? SourcesTools Journal Articles/ Databases alerts RSS feeds BlogsRSS feeds ConferencesTwitter Facebook Professional AssociationsFacebook Twitter
Articles: Alerts
Articles: RSS Feeds RSS: Real simple syndication Automatically delivers new items to your reader Reader options: – Bloglines – Google Reader
Articles: RSS Feeds
Tools: Google Reader
Blogs Focus on current topics May discuss material from: – Journal articles – Conferences – Personal and professional experiences
Blogs: RSS Feeds
Conferences: Twitter Tweet in 140 characters Forward or “re-tweet” Tag tweets with hash tags: #ncla09 Reply directly
Conferences: Twitter
Twitter Whom do I follow? Librarians Techies Social media ‘experts’ News organizations Publishers Professional Associations
Twitter Tweets often lead to: Blog posts News or journal articles Web sites
Twitter How do I use Twitter? News feed Social network Virtual community
Twitter Twibes Tribes on Twitter The librarians’ twibe has members
Professional Assoc.: Facebook
Social Networking Sites Valuable tools for: Keeping up with current professional issues Networking with colleagues Following conference proceedings from a distance Joining virtual communities through professional associations
Refining The Glut of Information Filtering by creating RSS Feeds from Database Searches Pipes!
“LinkedIn is for people that I’ve worked with. Facebook is for people I knew in school and growing up. Twitter is for people that I want to know.”
Do's and Don'ts Don't rely entirely on your privacy settings Remember that you're not just having a conversation Managing your identity isn't just defensive – remember what makes you look good!
Track Your Identity Google Alerts Tweet Beeps Applies to You, Your Library, or Your Program!
Job Hunting Facebook – connect with people you know who may be able to connect you with jobs Twitter – advertise yourself to potential employers Lone Wolf Social Networking Resume: