Alcohol Watch!: Strategies to Control Alcohol Business Targeting Youths! Dr. Parichart Sthapitanonda Associate Professor Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Road, Bangkok Thailand
“Keep our eyes on them, if we want them to run an ethical business in the country.”
“After keeping our eyes on them, here are what we have learned from Thailand.
Product : More products, more brands are introduced in Thailand, though a new act has been implemented. Beer - Lower Degree -Lower Callories -Draft Beer -New Brand Beer - Made in Thailand or Imported Brand Spirit - Ready to Drink (RTD) - Shaking Drinking -Lots of sizes (mini-normal- big)
Price : Affordable price for all, though it is illegal to run any promotional activities. - Discounted price - Promotional price (though it is illegal) - Special collection - Price for every target segment -Illegal products (no tax) Limited Bottle
Place : We are so closed to U!, though it is strictly controlled by law. - New Channels of Distribution - Same location, but new decoration - New space in the digital world Blog, website, hi5, twitters +++ SMS - Interconnect with all kinds of media
Promotion : Indirectly Encouraging “Need” of All. - Experiencial marketing (music sport, party, art, fashion, drama) - Raise awareness of “Thai Products” that have international standard -Bring International Atmosphere to Thailand - Using IMC to shaping perception, attention, action
Positioning : Making a difference with a special characteristic. Health In Trend Freshness Fun Friend Fashion World- class Achievabl e
Public Advertising : Moving the Mass into attention Brand: A difference we can make. True friend & Friendship Good Society & Good Person Soft Sales, Focusing on Corporate Image
Public Responsibility Projects : Alcohol Business = super star, who are socially concerned. Alcohol Initiate & mobilize its project Support Social Projects of Other organizations Support The establishment Of new Social organizations Partnering With other Organizations In local activities Non- alcohol Alcohol Non- alcohol Non- alcohol Alcohol Business
Partnership : Managing stronger relationship with the local & international partners Pub, Bar,Restau rants, Shops, Business organizati on, Governme nt, travel industry Supportin g social communit y to “Act” within the proposed “Agenda”
Publics : Paying attention among special target groups. Trend-setters New Consumers (Youth—Implicitly) & Travellers
Policy Advocacy : Fights & Consultations Pinpointing the issues Asking for governmental advise Acting as they are sincerely support the local community Secretly support the movement to call the less strictly alcohol policy Use information/data to force action or to request for helps Filing against the anti alcohol peole Mass MediaPolicy Makers Publics Alcohol Business
In summary: Though they announce they are not aiming at youths, their acts indirectly imply their main targets are always “youths”: the loyal customer in a long run.
1. Still keeping our eyes on the alcohol business. 2. Encouraging youth to maintain their participation in Alcohol Watch Activities & enlarging the number of youths who enjoy keeping eyes to challenge alcohol business. 3. Working closely with the media, to pinpoint the Unethical & illegal behaviors of alcohol business. What we need to focus in the future
4. Educating the target publics about the trick & treat of alcohol business. 5. Enforcing the current act, and call for the better act. 6. Supporting the alcohol victims to speak on the consequence of alcohol, to fight for a better act. What we need to focus in the future
. 7. Working closely with the lawers. 8. Networking of alcohol watch groups at the local, national and international levels to work against the multinational business. 9. Alcohol Literacy for All (not only youth), in order to fight against belief toward alcohol
Final Thought: If You Don’t Know Where to Enjoy Trendy Lifestyle in Local Community Nearby, Ask Alcohol Company. Then you will find they are all around you.
Will you allow them to get much closer to you and your younger generations??? The future is in our hands & our collaboratory work. Thank You.