KfW – support of the energy transition Energy Infrastructure Forum meeting Kopenhagen, June 2016 Alexander Thees
2 KfW - A bank with a wide array of functions We promote development Promotion of developing and transition countries International business We promote Germany Promotion of housing construction and refurbishment, improved accessibility and education Financing of municipal infrastructure and global loans Promotion of SMEs, business founders, start-ups Domestic promotion We support internationalisation International export and project finance Promotion of environmental and climate protection Mittelstandsbank Kommunal- und Privatkundenbank/Kreditinstitute KfW IPEX-BankKfW Development Bank, DEG Balance sheet total 2015: EUR billion Financing volume 2015: EUR 79.3 billion Best long-term rating: AAA/Aaa/AAA
KfW financing for environment and climate protection KfW is providing substantial financial support 3 In 2015, KfW provided EUR 29.5 bn financing for environmental and climate protection purposes Since 2012 KfW provided more than EUR 85 bn financing for the German energy transition In bn EUR => more than 40% of domestic business (EUR 50.5 bn) Renewable Energy: EUR 6.2 bn 29% Energy Efficiency: EUR 14.6 bn 71%
4 Wind Offshore Programme: Financing of offshore windparks in North and Baltic Sea; 4 projects; KfW commitment 1,3 bn EUR; pari passu within underwriting group; long maturities Factors of success: continued extension, economies of scale, connection with grid Energy Efficient Urban Redevelopment: Beneficiaries are municipalities and related entities; Holistic solutions for energy-efficient urban areas; integrated neighborhood strategies and heat /cold / water supply; favourable interest rates and grants for repayments; long maturities Factors of success: coordinated collaboration between all stakeholders in urban areas, suitable financing solutions for each stakeholder Selected activities of domestic promotion section concerning energy transition
Thank you for your attention. Credits for all pictures used in this presentation Slide 4, Picture 1: KfW Photo Archive / Charlie Fawell Slide 4, Picture 2: sedimentation tank / KfW picture library / Thomsa Klewar Slide 4, Picture 3: biomass plant with block heat and power plant / KfW picture library / Thomas Klewar