21 st Century Learner Standards CASE presentation July 24, 2008 Gene Hainer, Executive Director, Colorado State Library Nance Nassar, School Library Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library Mike Poore, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Support Services, District 11 Gwen Giddens, Director, Learning Resource Services, District 11 Larry Cutter, Principal, Mitchell High School, District 11 Ruth Wolf, Library Technology Educator, Mitchell High School, District 11
21 st Century Learning Source: Partnership for 21 st century Skills
Why do we need Standards for the 21 st -Century Learner?
7 steps to building reading comprehension Activate and Build Background Knowledge Use Sensory Images Question Make Predictions and Inferences Determine Main Ideas Use Fix-up Options Synthesize Keene & Zimmerman 1997; Zimmerman & Hutchins 2003
The Metaphor of the Elephant Activating and Building Background Knowledge Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. (1.1.2) Connect ideas to own interests and previous knowledge and experience. (4.1.5) Recognize when, why, and how to focus efforts in personal learning. (4.4.3)
Using Sensory Images Engage in “visualization” Use visualization and imagination to strengthen understanding (comprehension) and enjoyment. The Metaphor of the Elephant
Questioning Develop and refine a range of questions to frame search for new understanding. (1.1.3) Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. (1.1.4) Display initiative and engagement by posing questions and investigating the answers beyond the collection of superficial facts. (1.2.1) The Metaphor of the Elephant
Making Predictions and Inferences Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. (1.1.6) The Metaphor of the Elephant
Determining Main Ideas Organize knowledge so it is useful. (2.1.2) Note: Students must be able to distinguish main ideas from supporting details in order to organize knowledge. The Metaphor of the Elephant
Using Fix-up Options Monitor gathered information and assess for gaps and weaknesses. (1.4.3) The Metaphor of the Elephant
Synthesizing Create meaning from multiple resources Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias. (1.1.7) The Metaphor of the Elephant Adapted from: Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Maximizing Your Impact Judi Moreillon
Structure of the Standards for 21 st Century Learner Standards Standards Strands Strands Indicators Indicators
Components of the Standards for 21 st Century Learner Learners use skills, resources, and tools to: Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
Strands of the Standards for 21 st Century Learner Skills Skills Dispositions in Action Dispositions in Action Responsibilities Responsibilities Self-assessment strategies Self-assessment strategies
What we have done so far in Colorado…. Council on 21 st Century Learning Council on 21 st Century Learning CDE CDE ETIL ETIL ISTE NETS Standards for Students ISTE NETS Standards for Students 8 th grade tech literacy assessment (NCLB) 8 th grade tech literacy assessment (NCLB) Content Standards Content Standards
Colorado Springs School District 11 experience District 11 background District 11 background Influx of technology in late 1990s Influx of technology in late 1990s Changing role of librarian in district Changing role of librarian in district from Coordinator of Information and Technology (CIT) from Coordinator of Information and Technology (CIT) to Library Technology Educator (LTE) to Library Technology Educator (LTE) Moving to the 21 st Century Moving to the 21 st Century 21 st Century Summit and tools 21 st Century Summit and tools Fiber project Fiber project Curriculum Alignment Curriculum Alignment 21 st Century Educator Program 21 st Century Educator Program
Implementation at school level Mitchell High School Application of 21 st century Freshmen Academy Application of 21 st century Freshmen Academy
FRESHMEN ACADEMY MODEL 21 st Century Learning Skills Model 21 st Century Learning Skills Model Interdisciplinary Professional Learning Community Model Interdisciplinary Professional Learning Community Model Tier 1 Response to Intervention Strategy Tier 1 Response to Intervention Strategy Partnership with Library Technology Educators Partnership with Library Technology Educators 4 Core Subjects 4 Core Subjects
FRESHMEN ACADEMY MODEL Continued Aligned CQI Organizational Model Aligned CQI Organizational Model Integrated Instructional Design and Delivery Integrated Instructional Design and Delivery Looking at Student Work Looking at Student Work Aligned Best Practices Aligned Best Practices Teacher Volunteers Teacher Volunteers
ACADEMY COMPONENTS 21 st Century Learning Skills 21 st Century Learning Skills Integrated Literacy Integrated Literacy Interdisciplinary Learning Interdisciplinary Learning Comprehensive Counseling Plan Comprehensive Counseling Plan Study Skills Study Skills Looking at Student Work Looking at Student Work
ACADEMY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2 Year Implementation Timeline 2 Year Implementation Timeline First Year a Cohort of 100 Students First Year a Cohort of 100 Students Formed Academy PLC including: Formed Academy PLC including: Literacy Resource Teacher Literacy Resource Teacher Library Technology Educator and Library Technology Educator and Counselor Counselor Formed Goals Team for Program Design and Evaluation Formed Goals Team for Program Design and Evaluation
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 21 st Century Learning Skills 21 st Century Learning Skills Educational Technology and Information Literacy Integration Educational Technology and Information Literacy Integration Literacy Strategies Literacy Strategies Response to Intervention Response to Intervention Research-based Instructional Strategies Research-based Instructional Strategies Looking at Student Work Looking at Student Work
21 st Century Educator Program Goal To provide teachers with appropriate: To provide teachers with appropriate: Technology tools Technology tools Applications Applications Training Training Reasons – to engage their peers and students in learning activities aligned to benchmarks and standards. Reasons – to engage their peers and students in learning activities aligned to benchmarks and standards.
21 st Century Educator Program Purpose Overview of instructional websites Overview of instructional websites Overview of software’s basic functions and tools Overview of software’s basic functions and tools Provide examples and ideas of ways to use the websites or software as a teaching and learning tool. Provide examples and ideas of ways to use the websites or software as a teaching and learning tool. Familiarize teachers with basic skills needed to use each website/software within curriculum Familiarize teachers with basic skills needed to use each website/software within curriculum
21 st Century Educator Program Reasoning Integrating Educational Technology/Information Literacy, Internet, and software will add rigor Integrating Educational Technology/Information Literacy, Internet, and software will add rigor Integrating Educational Technology/Information Literacy, Internet, and software will add relevance Integrating Educational Technology/Information Literacy, Internet, and software will add relevance Teachers have to be trained in both. Teachers have to be trained in both.
21 st Century Educator Program Project Description 4 Teachers from core content areas 4 Teachers from core content areas 2 days of training at beginning of school and 2 at the end the end of school. 2 days of training at beginning of school and 2 at the end the end of school. One 3 hour meeting per month One 3 hour meeting per month Technology toolkit Technology toolkit 3 year commitment 3 year commitment CDE credit CDE credit
21 st Century Educator Program Technology Toolkit Laptop Laptop Digital camera Digital camera Projector Projector Interwrite pad Interwrite pad Cart Cart
21 st Century Educator Program Mentees Develop and implement at least 3 Educational Technology/Information Literacy integrated lessons each semester. Develop and implement at least 3 Educational Technology/Information Literacy integrated lessons each semester. Assessments/rubrics with each lesson Assessments/rubrics with each lesson Examples of student work with each lesson Examples of student work with each lesson Take at least one technology class from district. Take at least one technology class from district.
21 st Century Educator Program Sustainability Second year -4 teachers will become mentors of 2 teachers each the following year. Second year -4 teachers will become mentors of 2 teachers each the following year. Third year – 4 mentors and 8 mentees who become mentors will each have 2 more teachers to mentor. Third year – 4 mentors and 8 mentees who become mentors will each have 2 more teachers to mentor. All teachers who complete the 3 years and 18 Educational Technology/Information Literacy integrated lessons will keep all equipment unless they leave the school. All teachers who complete the 3 years and 18 Educational Technology/Information Literacy integrated lessons will keep all equipment unless they leave the school.
Table Talk State level Table 1 - Council on 21st Century Learning and Colorado State Library – Gene Hainer and Nance Nassar District level - Colorado Springs School District 11 Table 2 - Mike Poore and Gwen Giddens School level - Mitchell High School Table 3 - Larry Cutter and Ruth Wolf
Presenters’ contact information Gene Hainer, Executive Director, Colorado State Library – Gene Hainer, Executive Director, Colorado State Library – Nance Nassar, School Library Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library – Nance Nassar, School Library Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library – Mike Poore, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Support Services, District 11 – Mike Poore, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Support Services, District 11 – Gwen Giddens, Director, Learning Resource Services, District 11 – Gwen Giddens, Director, Learning Resource Services, District 11 – Larry Cutter, Principal, Mitchell High School, District 11 – Larry Cutter, Principal, Mitchell High School, District 11 – Ruth Wolf, Library Technology Educator, Mitchell High School, District 11 – Ruth Wolf, Library Technology Educator, Mitchell High School, District 11 –