Welcome to the Broadband RI Digital Literacy Instructor Workshop
Purpose: To increase and improve adult digital literacy Currently, it is estimated that approximately 20% of Rhode Island adults do not go online. This means that nearly 1 out of 5 RI adults do not have access to current job opportunities. These Rhode Islanders cannot access the many services moving online (Social Security, TDI, GED, etc.), and cannot access resources that improve quality of life (health/medical information, health care registration, social connections, etc.)
Increased Broadband Adoption Higher Skilled Workforce Better quality of life Access to Opportunity “General Principle: For every one-point increase in the percent of U.S. households with broadband, nearly 300,000 jobs will be added to the economy.” – Brookings Institution Study Digital literacy and access to information is critical to closing the digital divide and giving all citizens equal opportunity to jobs and connection to healthcare, safety, government, education, community – all contributing to a healthier economy. Relevance
Digital Literacy in Adult Education: the next phase of adult learning for the 21 st century
Pre-Requisites (Mouse & Keyboard) Desktop Apps (MS Office) Oper Systems & Hardware Internet & Online Apps Pre-Requisites (Mouse & Keyboard) Basic Internet Skills Applications (Online & Desktop)
How Does BBRI Address Digital Literacy?
The BBRI Digital Literacy “Core” Curriculum Navigation Search Communication Protection Exploration Browser and Website Basics Google and Library Resources Internet Safety & Privacy Capstone Class Basic Internet SkillsCurriculum Components
Class Materials Training Location Information Class and Event Scheduling Student Registration Instructor Resources Digital Literacy Portal Website
Learner Variation & Universal Design for Learning Supporting students’ learning in effective ways
What’s it all about? Universal Design for Learning Variation UDL SUPPORTS VARIATION by applying MULTIPLE MEANS in DESIGN AND DELIVERY of INSTRUCTION Applied in a “Spiral Curriculum”
UDL: Why?? People learn in different ways. Some are good readers Some learn by listening Some speak English Some may not hear well Some are poor readers Some learn by doing Some speak other languages Some may not see well Everyone has ways in which they learn best!!
How can we support learning in a different ways? From single paths… Read, Listen, Write, Speak, Manipulate Calculations, Remember Concepts and Procedures To multiple paths… Take in information, Express information, Demonstrate understanding of processes, Demonstrate understanding of concepts & ideas, Show what they know in formats that are personally accessible Using… Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic, Multisensory, Demonstration, Manipulatives, Creative Routes, Outcome-Based
The 3 Core Principles of UDL Multiple Means of Representation o To increase recognition Multiple Means of Action & Expression o To expand strategic output Multiple Means of Engagement o To enhance involvement CAST, Inc.
Example from Instructor Training: Simple ideas to integrate UDL To vary means of REPRESENTATION o Use color to highlight key terms or ideas o Use pictures to reduce language barriers To vary means of ACTION & EXPRESSION o Encourage verbal restatement by students o Encourage demonstration to peers and to you To vary means of ENGAGEMENT o Help students relate content to their own lives o Have students share & support each other by working in pairs
The UDL Wheel for Guideline Exploration Developed through Towson University Elizabeth Berquist (currently piloting a hand-held APP version) Express Engage Represent
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTS ACCESS. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMS. Allows manipulation and control of format Offers alternatives for access Supports multi-sensory instruction Supports greater personal independence Use general technology & assistive technology together: recognizing a continuum of access available through technology The Role of Technology in Digital Literacy Instruction for ALL
Microsoft Accessibility in Windows 7 17
TechACCESS of Rhode Island Statewide Center for Assistive Technology for ALL ages and disabilities Free demonstrations of AT each month Free “After-school Tech Time” Free equipment loan library Annual Assistive Technology Conference - November