Jane H Smith
RoMEO Lists publishers general policies on self- archiving From deposit on website, to institutional repositories to Creative Commons licenses Entries indicate any conditions and often state which formats can be deposited.
RoMEO Searchable by ISSN, Journal and Publisher names Provides brief summary of compliance with funding agencies’ policies Journal details are provided by Zetoc – a British Library service Date of last update to conditions
Uses different colours to help highlight publisher's archiving policies Green - can archive pre-print and post-print Blue - can archive post-print (ie final draft post- refereeing) YellowYellow - can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) White - archiving not formally supported Colours
Statistics Lists 383 publishers [17/4/8] 67% of publishers listed allow some form of self-archiving
Updates Suggestions from academics, repository staff and occasionally publishers Each publisher investigated to confirm policies Mapped to journal titles where needed
The Future Increase the journal listings and country coverage Provide journal level policies –Large publishers –Paid options
Similar services Australian publishers –Oak List –Uses RoMEO and OakList data Japanese society publishers –SPCJ –In Japanese
Leaflets Advocacy with your users Please take a leaflet promoting the services RoMEO and JULIET Also available to download from both services homepages