Creating a Sustainable Counter-Advertising Environment Alissa Ralston, M.S., Rebecca Green, B.A. Tobacco-Free Youth Project A Project of Bay Area Community Resources funded by the Marin County Tobacco Education Program Tobacco Master Settlement Funds
Abstract Background/Issue: A portion of Marin County’s Tobacco Master Settlement Funds was designated for a 3 ½ year School-Based Tobacco Project. A major challenge has been to expand a one-year media literacy education program to create ongoing, sustainable impact within limits of time, staff and budget. Methods: In collaboration with local public television, the Marin County Office of Education and a local private University, a two-part training was provided to prepare school personnel to implement media literacy lessons with an emphasis on tobacco advertising tactics as part of on-going curriculum. A student Tobacco Counter-Ad Contest was planned in conjunction with the Marin County Fair. Staff follow-up provided extra lessons, materials and encouragement for student entries for the contest. Local celebrities were asked to judge the entries. Results: Staff realized that the initial effort put into this project could serve as the foundation for ongoing education and replicable events in the community. Through partnering with the Marin County Fair, School Nurses, pharmacists, teachers, local press, prominent public health and community members, and various community groups, there is an increased interest in media literacy and awareness of tobacco industry marketing strategies in our schools and community. The first Marin County Fair Tobacco Counter- Ad contest targeted middle school students and won 2 nd place in the Western Fairs Association “New Competition” category. Conclusions: Through continuous outreach to schools, the success of the County Fair Contest and community networking, enthusiasm for the project is growing and the potential for sustainability is being created.
Surgeon General’s Report, 2000 “The personal factors most often associated with smoking initiation included the young person’s belief that cigarette smoking is linked with positive functions… such perceptions may reflect, in part, the influence of a larger social environment in which smoking is presented through local and mass media as an adventurous and glamorous adult behavior. Smoking prevention programs should thus address the most salient psychosocial dimensions that can influence a young person to not begin smoking. These dimensions include … correcting or preventing misperceptions about the social effects of short-term health …”
Teen Smoking Rate California*19% Marin County**23% *California Student Survey, 2002 **California Healthy Kids Survey, 2002
Goals of Media Literacy Address social influences that promote tobacco use by: –Deglamorization –Denormalization –Revealing tobacco industry tactics Attract youth with art & kinetic learning
School Personnel Training Workshops Provide resources VideosMagazine tobacco ads Lesson plansTobacco statistics Collaborate to provide incentives Incentive:Provided by: –Continuing education creditsLocal university –Media trainingLocal TV & radio station
Encouraging Teacher & Student Participation Offer free on-site lessons presented by health educator Publicize contest to teachers throughout the school year WhatWhen –LetterBeginning of school year –Postcard reminder4 months before entries due –Poster with entry forms6 weeks before entries due Provide free lesson plans and teaching aids
Sponsoring Contest Partner with Marin County Fair Invite local media to provide judges Solicit media attention for the event –Utilized program’s media contractor Copy selected entries and create a traveling display
Successes Training & Encouragement: Sustainable tobacco education created by building educator base Health educator modeled lessons for teachers who did not attend original training Counter-Ads were created and entered 73% of participating students stated that they are less likely to use tobacco 68% of students stated increased confidence in their knowledge of tobacco advertising
Successes Contest: Thousands of people saw posters –108,000 people attended fair Audience not limited to school community Earned local media attention Sustainable with fair collaboration The first contest publicized the next one –Entries doubled in the second year Marin County Fair won a regional award –2 nd Place, “Best New Competition”
Challenges Some teachers trained were not interested in tobacco education –Training included media production skills Sustainability of media literacy relies on teachers being trained & motivated First year’s winner touted a tobacco industry slogan –A “Tobacco is Wacko” entry won first place
Possible Solutions Support teacher and administrative allies; help them feel like they are part of a larger network of tobacco educators and advocates Continue trainings on a regular basis (annual or less often), to account for teacher turnover. Inform judges about tobacco in order to avoid awarding prizes to entries that copy tobacco industry prevention slogans.
Next Steps Success and promotion from a one-year program built momentum for second and third years –Wider recognition of program by teachers –Generation of more entries Marin County Fair staff continues to value and support contest Potential collaboration with other health promotion campaigns
Reminder Postcard (2-sided)
Poster with Entry Form
Media Coverage: County-Wide Newspapers July 2 - July 8, 2003 July 3, 2003
Contact Information Alissa Ralston, Project Director (415) x331, Rebecca Green, Project Coordinator (415) X332, Bay Area Community Resources 171 Carlos Drive San Rafael, CA