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Presentation transcript:


SEAMEO COLLEGE SEAMEO COLLEGE is a high-level policy and strategy forum among education leaders and practitioners 2 functions: 1. regularly convene policy, strategic, and methodological dialogues on ASEAN-wide education and HRD issues; 2. Bring about innovations in education and HRD to help make ASEAN region more competitive, through strengthened capacity of education leaders and practitioners- to accelerate the process of building an integrated ASEAN Community by 2015

The Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers (SDEM 1)

SEAMEO Secretariat has conducted a study on the foresight of education in Southeast Asia using a futuristic methodology. The results of the study were summarised to key messages and endorsed by the SEAMEO Executive Committee on 28 August These key messages were presented as a background document of the SEAMEO Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers (SDEM) held on 13 September 2014 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Participants of the meeting included SEAMEO Member Countries and observers from Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat. Introduction

1.Achieving universal early childhood care and education; 2.Addressing barriers to inclusion; 3.Resiliency in the face of emergencies; 4.Promoting technical and vocational education and training; 5.Revitalising teacher education; 6.Harmonising higher education and research; and 7.Adopting a 21 st Century curriculum. The SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas

The 7 Priority Areas were taken note at the 37 th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting and presented to SEAMEO Council at the 48 th SEAMEO Council Conference. In Ministerial Round Table Meeting, SEAMEO Council endorsed these 7 Priority Areas of SEAMEO and announced five recommendations for its implementation starting from Fiscal Year 2015/2016. The roadmap of this presentation is based on the proposal as an outcome of the SEAMEO Workshop, November 2015, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Since then, the Roadmap is under constant updates. Information shown in this presentation is the latest update as of April Background

SEAMEO Education Agenda Roadmap Utilisation of the 21 SEAMEO Centres as the mechanism to implement the seven Priority Areas at the national, regional level and beyond, and synergising with ASEAN. Linking the seven Priority Areas with the curriculum and moving towards global citizenship. Promoting teachers and school leaders’ competency standards in SEAMEO Member Countries. Mobilising and sharing of knowledge, skills and best practices among SEAMEO Member Countries, namely in the areas of TVET, English proficiency skills, digital competencies, 21 st Century and employability skills. Involvement of parents in the education system through the “partnering with parents” initiatives to foster common understanding on quality education to the parents in the education of their children. Action Roadmap of the 7 Priority Agenda

The SDEM 2 High-profile dialogue on education and HRD issues

What the Ministers said… We recognize that SEAMEO, as an established regional intergovernmental organization that brings together the Ministries of Education in Southeast Asia, through its specialized regional centres, performs an invaluable role in the region’s education community and must focus on meeting the current and emerging challenges in the regional education and social development landscape. We, the Ministers of Education and Heads of the Delegations participating in this Strategic Dialogue further call for action by SEAMEO, its regional centres and the region’s education community to ensure that the views and agreements in this Forum are pursued and adequately supported. The 7 Priority Agenda should be reflected in the programs and strategic goals of SEAMEO and articulated in the plans and programmes pursued by its regional Centres and networks in the next three years.

What the Ministers said… A major increase in Inter-school collaboration for 21 st Century Learning to speed up their diffusion in developing countries through multilateral partnerships. Promote technology in Southeast Asian education to dramatically accelerate access to education for undocumented children and those affected by disasters and risks, including the use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework, adopting partner schools of SEAMEO Centers and enhancing access to digital classes. Address barriers to inclusion using public and private engagement in Southeast Asian Education, including doubling their partners, networks and collaborators. The initiative is coupled with prioritizing collaboration with CLMT countries to accelerate innovation in education, already pioneered by SEAMEO Centers.

Achieving universal pre- primary education by 2035, with particular target on the disadvantaged such as poor children; rural communities; marginalised ethnic and linguistic communities; and children with disabilities benefiting the most.

Situation now CountriesTotal Number of ECCD Centres for 0-6 years old Total Number of Enrol- ment in ECCD Centres for 0-6 years old Centre-to- Child Ratio Brunei Darussalam :44 Cambodia2,348234,4551:100 Indonesia140,3489,419,8491:67 Lao PDR2,922134,5301:46 Malaysia24,617707,6721:29 Myanmar10,885371,3251:34 Philippines66,6052,632,9641:40 Thailand59,959137,5491:2 Timor Leste18010,6051:59 Vietnam12,9083,599,6631:279

Roadmap Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECEP) in Indonesia Approval of SEAMEO CECEP by SEAMEO Council Capacity building and research by SEAMEO CECEP SEAMEO Secretariat with MOEC Indonesia and SEAMEO Centres 2 Developing Competency Standards for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Teachers in Southeast Asia SEA ECCE Standards utilised SEAMEO INNOTECH 3 Guidance for Pre-primary Teachers institutionalised Approval and use of the ECCE Standards SEAMEO Secretariat and SEAMEO CECEP (when approved) 4 An enhanced model of health and nutrition package of services in support of ECCE to include children with special needs Model adopted and efforts continue to support marginalised children SEAMEO RECFON and SEAMEO SEARCA

Addressing barriers to inclusion and access to basic learning opportunities of all learners through innovations in education delivery and management.

Situation now There are almost 58 million Out-of School Children (OOSC) of primary school age in the world in 2012, 7 million of whom are in East Asia and the Pacific (UIS 2014). Source: UIS Database (administrative data), accessed May Data are from 2009 for the Philippines and Thailand. Total OOSC in a Subset of Southeast Asian Countries

Roadmap Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Adopting 21 st Century Curriculum through SEA- Digital Class SEAMEO QIM, SEAMEO QIS, and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC 2 Framework for Quality and inclusive education developed for marginalised children of SEAMEO SEAMEO Secretariat with SEAMEO Units 4 Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Community Education Development (SEAMEO CED) in Lao PDR SEAMEO Secretariat with MOES Lao PDR

Preparing schools leaders, teachers, students, and local communities in managing and maintaining the delivery of education services during emergencies such as conflicts, extreme weather, and natural disasters.

Situation now More than 100 million children in Southeast Asia affected by disasters annually. In Cambodia, flooding that rises up a meter renders schools inaccessible, causing school drop outs.. In Lao PDR, students were exposed to disasters like floods, landslides, cyclones, wildfire. Monsoon seasons in Malaysia damage buildings, furniture, materials and equipment, disrupting education programmes. In the Philippines, an increasing trend of cost of typhoons from 2011 to 2013 to the education sector has been noted. More than 70% of schools in Indonesia are prone to earthquake. 222,821 schools were lightly damaged in 2012 and 344,548 were heavily damaged in In Myanmar, around 20,000 children were unable to go to school in the conflict areas causing them to lag behind in their lessons Source: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Regional Training Programmes for School Heads on Community Disaster Risk Reduction (CDRR) SEAMEO TROPMED 2 Institutionalise School Based Approach in Promoting Disaster Risk Mitigation for Cultural Heritage SEAMEO CHAT and SEAMEO SPAFA 3 Developing Historical Records of Natural Disaster developed SEAMEO CHAT, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, and SEAMEO SPAFA 4 Developing and implementing OER based CDRR modules for capacity building SEAMEO Secretariat with partners Roadmap

Promoting TVET among learners, teachers and parents with more visible investments and relevant curricula that focus on creativity and innovation, with a clear pathway to lifelong learning, higher education and regional labour, skill and learners’ mobility.

International Labour Organisation (ILO) report (2007): Labour productivity, education and migration shape competitiveness, growth and development in Southeast Asia. The statistics also reveals interesting aspects of labour mobility million migrants originate from ASEAN countries and this number is increasing. TVET is the major producer of skilled workers that meet the requirements of qualification framework from Level 1 or 2 up to Level 5 or 6. A strong correlation between skills supply and demand can enhance economic growth (Ezzine, 2012) (Paryono, 2014) Situation now

Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Developed competency standards for agriculture and fishery for all levels SEAMEO BIOTROP and SEAMEO SEARCA 2 Vocational Training programmes offered to lifelong learners SEAMEO CELLL, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, SEAMEO SEARCA, and SEAMEO VOCTECH 3 Country Level TVET workshops organised for internationalisation and harmonisation 11 country level workshops completed TVET and mobility enhanced SEAMEO Secretariat with SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, SEAMEO SEN, and SEAMEO VOCTECH 4 TVET Skills Demand in Southeast Asia done AdvocacySEAMEO VOCTECH 5 Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Technopreneurship and Vocational Education (SEAMEO TVE) in Cambodia Approval of SEAMEO TVE SEAMEO Secretariat Roadmap

Making teaching a first choice profession through comprehensive, strategic, and practice-based reforms of teacher management and development systems through more professional preparation at pre- service and in-service processes, following an explicit and shared teacher competency framework and a set of standards applicable across the region.

Situation now Strong growth in student number in Southeast Asia due to booming population. Increased competition for teaching resources, in early childhood sector, science, mathematics, and languages. Expected upsurge in age-related retirements, and the quality of applicants to teacher education course is declining. Universal Kindergarten law in some countries and focus on early childhood teachers to meet increasing demand due to national reforms requiring more supply of teachers. In some countries in Southeast Asia, teaching still viewed as a highly desirable profession. A few countries showed a declining interest in recent years. Despite its nobility, teaching has oftentimes failed to attract the best students due to poor compensation, interest other professions, poor equipment and facilities, and limited career growth. (SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2010)

Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Southeast Asian Regional Standards for Science and Mathematics developed and adopted Development of regional standards with experts Adoption of standards SEAMEO QIM and SEAMEO QIS with SEAMEO RECSAM and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC 2 SEAMEO Easy Teach Programme developed, enhanced and institutionalized SEAMEO CELLL, SEAMEO CHAT, SEAMEO RETRAC, SEAMEO SEN and SEAMEO VOCTECH 3SEA Teacher SEAMEO QIL, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, SEAMEO Secretariat 4Teacher 2035 SEAMEO QIL, SEAMEO, QIM, SEAMEO QIS, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, SEAMEO Secretariat Roadmap

Institutional-level harmonisation taking place with Member Countries investing in strengthening higher education institutions with each institutions determining their most important needs, supported by research, in order to be able to co- ordinate and set quality standards with other institutions.

Situation now Forecast: 2025, demand for international education will grow to 7.2 million students -- from 1.2 million students in Number of new providers delivering programmes to students in their home countries accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Academic programmes reach across borders and branch campuses established in developing and developed countries around the world. Intended to increase access and to attain foreign credentials and employment. There are serious issues related to the harmonisation of higher education, the integrity of the new types of providers, and the recognition of credentials. (Jane Knight, 2012)

Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units SEAMEO ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Programme enhanced and expanded SEAMEO RIHED 2 Developed SEAMEO credit transfer scheme (CTS) for Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Development of CTS for GMS SEAMEO RIHED 3 High Officials Case Studies on Academic mobility for health and medical profession finalised Framework for CTS in medical and health fields utilised SEAMEO TROPMED 4 SEAMEO Centres Policy Research Network (CPRN) developed and institutionalized Regular CPRN forum organized to support MOEs SEAMEO SEARCA Roadmap

Pursuing a radical reform through systematic analysis of knowledge, skills, and values needed to effectively respond to changing global contexts, particularly to the ever-increasing complexity of the Southeast Asian economic, socio-cultural, and political environment, developing teacher imbued with ASEAN ideals in building ASEAN community.

Situation now The new century has brought new ways of thinking and practices in education, especially with easy access to technology. Education sector everywhere is rethinking the avenues to address this situation in nurturing future human resources The challenge is to revisit and redesign the curriculum. following the agreed “6Cs” in the 21 st Century educational curriculum for the future.

Situation now “6C” Think Critically Problem Solving; High Order Thinking Skills; Interdisciplinary Approach; Real World Problems, Project Based Learning Communicate Clearly Effective Communication; Self and Peer Review; Information Fluency; Media Fluency; Digital Fluency Work Collaboratively Team Building; Effective Communication; Self and Peer Assessment; Collaborative Mediums; Suitable Technologies Embrace Culture Context of Information; Exchange Respect; Collaboration; Build Community; Real World Problems Develop Creativity Imagine; Incorporate Design; Integrate Function; Interdisciplinary Approach Utilise Connectivity Interdisciplinary Approach; Encourage Collaboration, Enable Technology; Information Fluency; Encourage Re ection

Roadmap Strategic Approaches Priority Actions Responsible Units Adopted 21 st Century curriculum through SEA Digital Class SEAMEO QIL, SEAMEO QIM, SEAMEO QIS, and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC 2 Student Networking for Borderless Schools Development of networking across SEA countries SEAMEO RECSAM and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC 3 Southeast Asian Musical and Traditional Dance promoted and scaled up for ASEAN Integration Promote and develop music and traditional dance among SEA countries SEAMEO CHAT and SEAMEO SPAFA 4 Development of language teacher education in the SEAMEO region for ASEAN Integration Prepare and upgrade English and other languages SEAMEO QIL and SEAMEO RELC 5 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA- PLM) implemented in all SEAMEO Member Countries SEAMEO Secretariat with partners (UNICEF), SEAMEO QIL, SEAMEO QIM, and SEAMEO RECSAM

Thank you