Evolution in Secondary Public Schools Conflict and Education
The Conflict Between Evolution and Creationism Why is there a conflict? Biblical Literalism Six-day creation Special creation of man Age of the Earth God as a perfect designer Why is there a conflict? Biblical Literalism Six-day creation Special creation of man Age of the Earth God as a perfect designer
History of the Creationism Conflict Fundamentalist Movement: 1920’s Response to the horrors of WWI and a desire to return to old religion to reclaim our innocence and prosperity Fundamentalists saw evolution as a threat to religion and said it was godless “…better to wipe out all the schools…than to permit the teaching of evolution.” ~ John Reach Straton - the ‘Fundamentalist Pope’ Fundamentalist Movement: 1920’s Response to the horrors of WWI and a desire to return to old religion to reclaim our innocence and prosperity Fundamentalists saw evolution as a threat to religion and said it was godless “…better to wipe out all the schools…than to permit the teaching of evolution.” ~ John Reach Straton - the ‘Fundamentalist Pope’
Legislation Against Evolution March 9, first law banning the teaching of evolution in Kentucky Oklahoma legislation offered free textbooks to teachers who wouldn’t mention evolution Tennessee law only bans the teaching of human evolution In the 1920’s, 37 bills were introduced in 20 states attempting to ban the teaching of evolution March 9, first law banning the teaching of evolution in Kentucky Oklahoma legislation offered free textbooks to teachers who wouldn’t mention evolution Tennessee law only bans the teaching of human evolution In the 1920’s, 37 bills were introduced in 20 states attempting to ban the teaching of evolution
Legal Action “Scopes Monkey Trial” - Tennessee, 1925 John Scopes - charged with teaching human evolution Defended by Clarence Darrow, and prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan Though Scopes lost the case, Darrow called Bryan to the stand and got him to admit that he didn’t believe everything in the Bible was literally true Removal of evolution from classroom continued until 1968 “Scopes Monkey Trial” - Tennessee, 1925 John Scopes - charged with teaching human evolution Defended by Clarence Darrow, and prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan Though Scopes lost the case, Darrow called Bryan to the stand and got him to admit that he didn’t believe everything in the Bible was literally true Removal of evolution from classroom continued until 1968
More Legal Action Epperson vs. Arkansas (1968) - creationism unconstitutional Daniel vs. Waters (1975) - balanced treatment unconstitutional Edwards vs. Aguillard (1987) - creation science as an alternative to evolution deemed unconstitutional Kiztmiller vs. Dover (2005) - Intelligent Design unconstitutional Epperson vs. Arkansas (1968) - creationism unconstitutional Daniel vs. Waters (1975) - balanced treatment unconstitutional Edwards vs. Aguillard (1987) - creation science as an alternative to evolution deemed unconstitutional Kiztmiller vs. Dover (2005) - Intelligent Design unconstitutional
What’s going on outside the courtroom and inside the classroom? How are students learning about evolution, and what are they retaining? How do teachers and students deal with the perceived conflict between evolution and religion? How are students learning about evolution, and what are they retaining? How do teachers and students deal with the perceived conflict between evolution and religion?
How Students Learn The problem with lecture based learning Rote Memorization vs. student-discussion based learning Science education should foster critical thinking skills 1992 Study: the link between hypothetico-deductive reasoning skills and non-scientific beliefs: students having strong religious beliefs rejecting evolution will not be swayed by evolution education Therefore, the argument that impressionable religious students might be swayed from their faith by evolution education is shaky The problem with lecture based learning Rote Memorization vs. student-discussion based learning Science education should foster critical thinking skills 1992 Study: the link between hypothetico-deductive reasoning skills and non-scientific beliefs: students having strong religious beliefs rejecting evolution will not be swayed by evolution education Therefore, the argument that impressionable religious students might be swayed from their faith by evolution education is shaky
Some Statistics In a National Science Foundation quiz in 2000, half the respondents responded “false” to “The earliest humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs.” National Science Board (2000): 38% of college students could correctly explain what a molecule was 53% could answer “what is DNA” 30% didn’t know how long it took the earth to revolve around the sun In a National Science Foundation quiz in 2000, half the respondents responded “false” to “The earliest humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs.” National Science Board (2000): 38% of college students could correctly explain what a molecule was 53% could answer “what is DNA” 30% didn’t know how long it took the earth to revolve around the sun
Dealing with the Conflict Four Ways to Deal with it: Unaware of the Conflict Refuse to consider the conflict Deeply disturbed by the conflict Manage and come to terms with the conflict Four Ways to Deal with it: Unaware of the Conflict Refuse to consider the conflict Deeply disturbed by the conflict Manage and come to terms with the conflict
The Role of the Science Teacher The science teacher should foster critical thinking in the classroom, encourage students to discuss hypotheses and come to their own conclusions while presenting sound scientific evidence Should not “preach” evolution Main concern should be educating students to understand biological evolution that they might be scientifically literate citizens The science teacher should foster critical thinking in the classroom, encourage students to discuss hypotheses and come to their own conclusions while presenting sound scientific evidence Should not “preach” evolution Main concern should be educating students to understand biological evolution that they might be scientifically literate citizens
What’s going on now??? A.K.A. Life After Kitzmiller New Strategies After Intelligent Design Teach the Controversy Academic Freedom Critical Analysis of Evolution Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolution Arguments for/against evolution and neo- Darwinism According to Barbara Forrest, between 2004 and 2006, 44 states asked for help combating some form of creationism at the local or state education level New Strategies After Intelligent Design Teach the Controversy Academic Freedom Critical Analysis of Evolution Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolution Arguments for/against evolution and neo- Darwinism According to Barbara Forrest, between 2004 and 2006, 44 states asked for help combating some form of creationism at the local or state education level
National Center for Science Education News “Academic Freedom” bills in: New Mexico, Florida, Alabama, Michigan, and South Carolina; 3 bills are now dead Teaching the Controversy: Louisiana and Missouri (dead) Christine Comer, of the Texas Education Agency was asked to resign after forwarding an announcing a lecture by Dr. Barbara Forrest, an evolution education advocate. Her termination memo stated that she was to remain neutral on the issue of creationism Sources say that the Discovery Institute is advocating Academic Freedom bills “ The Kitzmiller court exposed intelligent design as what it is – dressed-up creationism – so the Discovery Institute had to go back to the drawing board.” - Richard Katskee “Academic Freedom” bills in: New Mexico, Florida, Alabama, Michigan, and South Carolina; 3 bills are now dead Teaching the Controversy: Louisiana and Missouri (dead) Christine Comer, of the Texas Education Agency was asked to resign after forwarding an announcing a lecture by Dr. Barbara Forrest, an evolution education advocate. Her termination memo stated that she was to remain neutral on the issue of creationism Sources say that the Discovery Institute is advocating Academic Freedom bills “ The Kitzmiller court exposed intelligent design as what it is – dressed-up creationism – so the Discovery Institute had to go back to the drawing board.” - Richard Katskee
If you have time… Barbara’s Forrest’s lecture: “Why Texans Shouldn’t Let Creationists Mess with Science Education” on 11/17/ eo/?id=248http://smu.edu/flashvid eo/?id=248 Inherit the Wind (1960) - Scopes Trial Barbara’s Forrest’s lecture: “Why Texans Shouldn’t Let Creationists Mess with Science Education” on 11/17/ eo/?id=248http://smu.edu/flashvid eo/?id=248 Inherit the Wind (1960) - Scopes Trial
Works Cited 1.Lee Meadows, Elizabeth Doster, David F. Jackson.”Managing the Conflict between Evolution & Religion”. The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 62, No. 2 (Feb., 2000), pp JSTOR. 2.Brian J. Alters and Craig E. Nelson.”Perspective: Teaching Evolution in Higher Education”.Evolution, Vol. 56, No. 10 (Oct., 2002), pp JSTOR. 3.Lawson, Anton E., and William A. Worsnop. "Learning about Evolution and Rejecting a Belief in Special Creation:Effects of Reflective Reasoning Skill, Prior Knowledge, Prior Belief and Religious Commitment." Journal of Research in Science Teaching 29(1992): Scharmann, Lawrence C., and William M. Harris Jr.. "Teaching Evolution: Understanding and Applying the Nature of Science." Journal of Research in Science Teaching 29(1992): Jones, Leslie S., and Michael J. Reiss. Taking Account of Creationsim. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc, Judge Jones “Dover Decision” “Eroding Evolution” by Sandhya Bathija 8. Dr Barbara Forrest. “Why Texans Shouldn’t Let Creationists Mess with Science Education.” 11/17/ Lee Meadows, Elizabeth Doster, David F. Jackson.”Managing the Conflict between Evolution & Religion”. The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 62, No. 2 (Feb., 2000), pp JSTOR. 2.Brian J. Alters and Craig E. Nelson.”Perspective: Teaching Evolution in Higher Education”.Evolution, Vol. 56, No. 10 (Oct., 2002), pp JSTOR. 3.Lawson, Anton E., and William A. Worsnop. "Learning about Evolution and Rejecting a Belief in Special Creation:Effects of Reflective Reasoning Skill, Prior Knowledge, Prior Belief and Religious Commitment." Journal of Research in Science Teaching 29(1992): Scharmann, Lawrence C., and William M. Harris Jr.. "Teaching Evolution: Understanding and Applying the Nature of Science." Journal of Research in Science Teaching 29(1992): Jones, Leslie S., and Michael J. Reiss. Taking Account of Creationsim. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc, Judge Jones “Dover Decision” “Eroding Evolution” by Sandhya Bathija 8. Dr Barbara Forrest. “Why Texans Shouldn’t Let Creationists Mess with Science Education.” 11/17/