It is not always safe to Pass 2
You are going shopping at the mall with some friends. One of the friends with you is on crutches. When you arrive the parking lot is almost full. There are three spots available. 1) A handicap space at the front of the parking lot closest to the main entrance, 2) a corner spot at the far end of the parking lot, and 3) a space that is closest to your favorite mall store but is between two very old and dented cars. You are driving your dad’s new ____________. Write a scenario that describes which spot you chose and why. 3
4 § — Passing when overtaking a vehicle The driver of any vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at least two feet to the left of the overtaken vehicle and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle. In approaching or passing a person riding a bicycle or moped, the driver of a motor vehicle shall pass at a safe distance and at a reasonable speed. § — When overtaking vehicle may pass on right § — Passing bicycle or moped A. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass to the right of another vehicle only: 1.When the overtaken vehicle is making or about to make a left turn, and its driver has given the required signal 2.On a highway with unobstructed pavement, not occupied by parked vehicles, of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction; or 3.On a one-way street or on any one-way roadway when the roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles. Virginia Law
B. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. Except where driving on paved shoulders is permitted by lawfully placed signs, no such movement shall be made by driving on the shoulder of the highway or off the pavement or main traveled portion of the roadway Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle. Any over-width, or slow-moving vehicle shall be removed from the roadway at the nearest suitable location when necessary to allow traffic to pass. § — Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle § — When overtaking vehicle may pass on right
6 Passing Check the traffic ahead, behind, and in your blind spot Signal Accelerate to pass Return to right lane when front of passed vehicle is in your rear view mirror DMV p. 26
7 Passing It is against the law to go over the speed limit as you pass Complete the pass before you reach the No Passing Zone DMV p. 26
8 Passing on the Right If the vehicle you are passing has signaled and is making a left turn, but You may not pass on the right if you must drive on the shoulder. DMV p. 26
9 Passing When being passed; Do Not speed up. Maintain a steady speed or slow down and move slightly to the right Is the pass in the picture on the right legal or illegal? DMV p. 27
10 Passing is Prohibited: On hills, curves, at intersection (100 feet prior to and after) DMV p. 27
11 To pass another vehicle safely you must: identify a safe and legal passing zone;identify a safe and legal passing zone; judge the time and space needed to pass;judge the time and space needed to pass; judge the relative speed and distance of other vehicles; andjudge the relative speed and distance of other vehicles; and apply proper passing skills and complete the maneuver safely.apply proper passing skills and complete the maneuver safely. Write this slide
12 Identifying a Safe and Legal Passing Zone Determining Passing Time/Space Needs Determining Passing Time/Space Needs time 2.the time you will need to pass safely 3.the space 3.the space you will need to safely pass the other vehicle Before you pass, you must determine: TRAVEL TIME = SPACE Formula – Speed + ½ speed = feet per second (fps) traveled 60 mph = 90 fps 1.if you are in a legal passing zone broken line = pass with cautionbroken line = pass with caution solid line = no passingsolid line = no passing list other areas where passing is prohibitedlist other areas where passing is prohibited Write this slide
13 2 Second Space 60 fps X 2 = 120 ft. Total distance traveled: 13 sec. X 60 fps. = 780 ft. 2 sec. following distance = 120 ft. 1 car length= 15 ft. 1 sec. gap = 60 ft Total additional distance traveled = 195 ft. Time needed to pass: 195 ft. /15 ft. = 13 sec. Total distance traveled: 13 sec. X 60 fps. = 780 ft. Distance traveled = speed + ½ speed in feet per second Time to pass = distance traveled to complete pass, divided by difference in distance traveled per second by each vehicle RED car traveling 40 mph = 60 fps (40 mph X 1.5 fps = 60 fps) BLUE car traveling 30 mph = 45 fps (30 mph X 1.5 fps = 45 fps) 60 ft - 45 ft = 15 ft. Red car is traveling 15 fps faster than Blue car Judging Time and Space Needed to Pass Safely 1 car length = 15 feet 1 Second Space 60 fps x 1 = 60 ft
14 Determining Passing Time/Space Needs Determining Passing Time/Space Needs To estimate the time and distance of an oncoming vehicle, begin counting when the vehicle is first seen: 1000 and 1; 1000 and 2; etc. Continue the count until the approaching vehicle is opposite your vehicle. Practicing this technique will help you develop the ability to judge speed and distance and 20 COUNT and 1 = 1 second 1000 and and 1 Judging the Relative Speed and Distance of Other Vehicles
15 13 seconds / 780 ft. Space Cushion 200 ft TOTAL distance required to pass safely is 1760 ft (30 seconds). To complete a pass safely you must take ALL factors into account Judging the Relative Speed and Distance of Oncoming Vehicles Passing Time/Space Needs — Oncoming Vehicles Passing Time/Space Needs — Oncoming Vehicles The example below is based on the approaching vehicle traveling at 40 mph. Red vehicle will need 780 feet to complete the pass Brown vehicle will travel 780 feet Allows a minimum 200 ft. space cushion
16 Passing a 90-foot tractor trailer Would require an additional 5 seconds for the Red vehicleWould require an additional 5 seconds for the Red vehicle 90-foot truck + 15-foot car = 75 feet additional distance traveled = 5 seconds 18 seconds x 60 fps = 1080 feet needed by Red vehicle18 seconds x 60 fps = 1080 feet needed by Red vehicle If there is an oncoming vehicle traveling 40 mph, the total clear distance needed to pass safely becomes 1360 feet (23 seconds) (space cushion) Passing on Multi-lane Roadways safer than on two lane roadways head-on crashes are rare will not feel rushed into returning to the lane can safely pass larger vehicles that require more time and space to pass Write this section
17 2 – 3 Seconds Prepare to Pass: Position vehicle two to three seconds behind the vehicle to be passed. Check mirrors, blind spot and oncoming traffic. Check ahead for safe passing distance. Signal intention. Overtake the Ongoing Vehicle: Accelerate into passing lane. Accelerate quickly to a legal appropriate speed. Monitor the path ahead. Check the mirror for following vehicles. Return to Lane: Check rear-view mirror for the front of the vehicle being passed. Signal intention. Change lanes and maintain speed. Cancel turn signal. Write this slide
Classwork Day 4 Read pages Answer Lesson Review questions 1-3 on page 166. Also answer the What Would You Do question under the picture on p Tell why.
Test Tomorrow 19