Nick Kahrmann University of West Alabama 1/24/2015 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM
Assistive Technology is defined as devices that extend the abilities of an individual in ways that provide physical access(wheelchair ramps) to sensory access(Braille). The main purpose for use of this technology is so every child has the opportunity for learning, productivity, and independence. (Roblyer, 2013, p. 400) Simply, technology that is used for normal daily life can be modified so that everyone can use it, effectively. The purpose of this technology is to keep students engaged through instruction with the use of technology as an aid to promote continuous, learning despite such disabilities. An example of hearing loss assistive technology could be a simple microphone the teacher wears that allows the student to hear via headphones.
LAWS REGARDING ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY There are multiple laws in regards to special education and, more specifically, assistive technologies. For example, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), impacts special education profoundly. The law implemented all teachers to show Annual Yearly Progress(AYP). (Roblyer, 2013, p. 400) Specific to assistive technology, the 1988 Technology-Related Assistance Act for Individuals with Disabilities law gave funding to statewide systems to provide students with disabilities technology and services to promote learning. (Roblyer, 2013, p. 400) A more familiar law is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It mandated that every Individual Education Program (IEP)team must “consider” assistive technology when planning the students educational plan. (Roblyer, 2013, p. 400)
LAWS REGARDING ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (CONT.) Also, another topic heard when mentioning a child with disabilities is their 504 Plan. This comes from the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which stated that schools could not discriminated against individuals with disabilities if they are receiving federal financial assistance. Schools must ensure that all students have a full range of programs, activities, and services available. The 504 plan also states accommodations(ex. test time and AT devices) that must be met by each teacher of the student. (AT Laws, n.d.) Another law that is very familiar is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), in regards to assistive technologies. Title II of the ADA states that all people must be given equal right to public education, employment, transportation, recreation, health care, and other areas. Title IV is specific to assistive technology regarding deaf or hearing impaired people access to use public telecommunications (FCTD, n.d.)
HEARING IMPAIRED Hearing impaired learners can be given a FM amplification system, which simply is a microphone and headphone speakers for teacher and student. (Roblyer, 2013, p. 405). The amplified sound come in contact with the students eardrum quicker and louder than normal conversation. I personally have one kid in my class whose IEP requires I use this technology with them. I talk normally and this technology transmits the signal wirelessly to his headphones. I have to remember to cover the microphone, which I wear around my neck, whenever I blow the whistle in the gym.
VISUALLY IMPAIRED Built-in Computer Screen Magnification control panels are very common in schools. Simply, visually impaired assistive technology applications can be used to provide larger than normal text for students to read easily. Three kids in my school require this technology,. They each use a handheld magnifier glass dome. I have to adjust their test to larger print (normal 12, large 48) as required in their IEP.
LEARNING DISABLED Assistive technology for learning disabled students can range in severity depending on cognitive development. (Roblyer, 2013, p. 405) For example, a child with a mild learning disability may require a text-to-speech software pen, versus a child with a severe learning disability may require teaching focused on daily fundamental skills needed to survive independently. We have one kid in the middle school who requires the pen technology, which helps substantially. The pen recognizes words that are scanned and verbally reads them to the child.
PHYSICALLY DISABLED STUDENTS Students with physical disabilities can range in severity. For example, some students may have a prosthetic limb that could require a specialized keyboard, mouse, or monitor. As a substitute teacher, I was with a child who is restrained to a chair for most of the day, due to muscular dystrophy. He is barely able to walk as a high school student. Our purpose with the special education department is to teach him how to operate certain types of technology, such as microwave or washing machine, etc., independently. We also have two kids in the high school that require specialized keyboards for minimal use of their upper extremities.
REFERENCES Roblyer, M. & Doering, A. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers. Assistive Technology Legislation (2005) Retrieved on January 20, 2015 from Family Center on Technology and Disability. Assistive Technology Laws. Retrieved January 20, 2015 from